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The Ink, the Devil, the Wicked Errata

A cutting from the Illustrated London News, March 23, 1850, depicts Johannes Gutenberg showing his wife the firstproof sheet of his Bible printed from movable type. Science History Images / Alamy Stock Photo
Explore the rich history and artistry of book production, from the evolution of calligraphy inks to the rise of the printing press. Discover the magic of decorated edges, the allure of Brobdingnagiana and Lilliputiana, and the cautionary tales of books with fatal secrets. Join the celebration of bibliophilia and the enduring power of books to inspire, comfort, and connect readers across generations.

The Art of Divination With Books

Explore the enchanting practice of bibliomancy, a form of divination using books, and learn how to receive spiritual guidance and wisdom from your treasured collection. Delve into the history of bibliomancy, its contemporary applications, and creative variations like three-passage and five-passage readings. Discover tips for enhancing your bibliomantic experience and creating a sacred space for intuitive connection.

My Magical Bookshelf

Book collection by @lescargot.papier
Step into the enchanting world of a magical bookshelf, where old editions filled with fairy tales and fantastical adventures beckon. Discover the historical significance of children's stories, from Maria Edgeworth's realism to Andrew Lang's Blue Fairy Book. Explore the spellbinding realms of classic tales, from the gardens of kings to the burrows of hobbits, and embrace the transformative power of storytelling and the enduring magic of books.

Edges, Corners, and Odd Facts for the True Book Lover

Incipit invites you to indulge in the sensory delight of books. From the tactile pleasure of turning pages to the enchanting aroma of paper and ink, explore the magic of bibliophilia.

The Art of Fore-Edge Painting

Book Fore-Edge painting by Maisie Jackson
Would you like to give a gift to a favorite book that has given you … maybe everything? Then talk to Maisie Jackson. She is a master at fore-edge painting, the art of rendering the heart and soul of a book on the too often...

Ex Libris: Claiming Your Literary Kingdom with Personalized Bookplates

Discover the timeless tradition of marking your territory in the world of books, from childhood rubber stamps to personalized bookplates. Join author Cara Giles as she reminisces about the thrill of claiming ownership over beloved stories and explores the evolution of book ownership symbols throughout history.