Featured Image: The Nightmare (1790−1791) by Henry Fuseli
• You appreciate the beauty in time’s passing, whether it shows in a bare winter branch, a crumbling cathedral, or the lines forming on a friend’s hands.
• You love to wear lace.
• You know that when a good-looking stranger appears in a cape at your bedroom door or window, you must not invite that person inside. Not right away, at least.
• You are cautious about opening cellar doors, tower windows, and antique cabinet desks.
• You have a secret nobody knows, not even your closest friend.
• You keep a journal—perhaps not every day—and somewhere in your closet sits a box of handwritten letters.
• You are tempted to shed your clothes and stand in the light of a stained-glass window, watching the colors play over your skin.
• You have fallen in love with someone mysterious and brooding—and you have learned to put yourself first in the breakup.