Model- Eva Marini @hane.iro (self-portraits)

Stitch Witchery From Notforgotten Farm

Featured Image: Model: Eva Marini @hane.iro (self-portraits)   We’ve been charmed for a while now by the lovely, old-timey, and definitely witchy needlework of folk artist...

Make a Broom – Fly Over The Moon

Want to try your hand at making one of Baker’s brooms? Here’s how to get started. Master broomsquire Charlotte Baker of Nightshade Handmade says, “I...

Make A Harvest Besom

For this project you will need: • A large dowel rod about 1 inch in diameter, 2 feet in length • A spool of 18-gauge nylon...

Witches’ Ladders

This ritual is a form of knot magic where an intention is methodically bound to a talismanic object. As always, a strong, clear intention...

Craft Your Own Magical Jars

A wonderful way to celebrate autumn and create something special for yourself or a friend is to create a magical spell jar. They’ve come...
Enchanted Living Magazine Photography by Michaela Durisova Model: Kristína Szegenyová Accessories: Magaela Accessories

A Book of Things Received

Photography by Michaela Durisova Model: Kristína Szegenyová Accessories: Magaela Accessories The old woman handed her young apprentice a book of soft leather with tattered pages scented of...
Grandmother Ponderosa Extract by The Wondersmith

Grandmother Ponderosa Extract

Many plants seem to represent an archetype or personality to me, which is often a reflection of their usage in folk medicine or even...
All photos © Olga Valeska

Olga Valeska: An Authentically Folkloric Life

All photos © Olga Valeska Authenticity is such an important quality in a truly cozy, hygge life. And in this digital age of constant communication...

Tips on Creating A Painting Using Acrylic or Watercolor Paints

Set up a comfortable and peaceful area to begin your art. This may include lighting a candle or incense and playing your favorite music...

Gold Fairy Glow

“What difference is there between a glass of absinthe and a sunset?” —Oscar Wilde I call this DIY green-gold herbal libation the Gold Fairy in homage...