Edges, Corners, and Odd Facts for the True Book Lover

Incipit invites you to indulge in the sensory delight of books. From the tactile pleasure of turning pages to the enchanting aroma of paper and ink, explore the magic of bibliophilia.

Ex Libris: Claiming Your Literary Kingdom with Personalized Bookplates

Discover the timeless tradition of marking your territory in the world of books, from childhood rubber stamps to personalized bookplates. Join author Cara Giles as she reminisces about the thrill of claiming ownership over beloved stories and explores the evolution of book ownership symbols throughout history.

You Know You’re a Bibliophile When …

Indulge in the bibliophile lifestyle with our witty list of telltale signs! From organizing your personal library with meticulous care to wearing book-scented perfume, immerse yourself in the world of book lovers. Discover how your passion for reading extends from your bedside to your community mini-library, and embrace the joy of organizing books by emotions they evoke.

Excerpt from The Prisoner’s Throne by Holly Black

We're super excited about #1 New York Times bestselling author/Queen of Faerie Holly Black's new novel The Prisoner's Throne, the "stunning blood-soaked conclusion to the...

Coyote Season

Winter is a lesson in magic because it is a season of paradox. It is the time of hustle, bustle, and busyness. It’s the...

A New Twist On An Old Ritual

Now that you have your new tree or shrub firmly planted in your garden, why not bless it with a new twist on an...

Book Excerpt: A Year In The Enchanted Garden

I wrote A Year in the Enchanted Garden: Cultivating the Witch’s Soul With Spells, Crafts & Garden Know-How, my new book from Llewellyn, to...

The Witch Of The Winter Woods

Art by Jana Heidersdorf When I was a child, I strayed too far from the path and was eaten by a wolf. A woodcutter saved...
Pamela Zimmerman Art

Catching The Moon: An interview with Pamela Zimmerman

Explore Pamela Zimmerman's captivating basketry, where each creation tells a unique story. From coiled Native-style baskets to emotive faces in "Catching the Moon," discover artistry beyond utility.
Rachel Oakes-Illustration_The Dark Mother

Elder Mother

Grandmother Elder, that’s what they call me. They can’t seem to agree if I am a tree or a shrub, which is fitting really—I’ve always...