Now that the weather’s warm and we’re trading in our felted, velveteen, and otherwise weather-inappropriate headwear for straw …. we thought we might need some tips for putting our best feet forward. We asked our friends at Evercrumbly & Witch, alternative millinery extraordinaire (and beloved by witches everywhere), for some summertime fashion advice! Owner and designer Jamie Addington lovingly obliged.

• Summer has arrived! It’s time for sundresses and picnics by the lake! Don’t take your hat decor too seriously. Summer is about fun. How about some faux berries or a cluster of colorful silk wildflowers?
• Trim the dead weight! A fancy formal hat can have all the bells and whistles, but when choosing decor for your summer hat remember to choose lightweight pieces. You don’t want a heavy hat while you frolic through the flowers!
• Summer also means beach days. Consider a tie to secure your hat from those pesky summer breezes!
• Keep your cool! Natural fibers and open weaves will always be cooler than artificial. Keep nature in mind when choosing your hat.
• Try something new. Sometimes a new color, or a style you don’t usually wear can make you feel like a whole new person. It’s summer. Go for it!
• Summer adventures can be messy! Remember to give your hat a good brushing with a soft bristle brush (I recommend boar bristle or similar) after your adventures to keep it clean and looking new for years to come.
Follow Evercrumbly & Witch on Instagram @evercrumblyandwitch or visit to see their latest creations.