I’ve always wished I could wear strings of dew-laden spider silk, so I played around with some hot glue and cabochons to create this necklace you see here. It’s my little homage to one of the most beautiful things in nature: a sparkly spider’s web shimmering in the morning sun.
You’ll need:
• Glue gun with glue stick
• Parchment paper
• Scissors
• Rhinestones or dewdrop cabochons (I used dewdrop water droplets by Maitys)
• Necklace chains
• Pliers or wire cutters
• A clasp
This necklace is simple to make, but it looks like it was fashioned with magic!
Use a glue gun to create a web over parchment paper. You might want to sketch out the web on the parchment paper first and then follow your lines with glue, which will adhere as long as the glue is reasonably hot. Otherwise, you can freestyle and see what looks good to you. Either way, don’t place the glue in perfect lines; weaving your web haphazardly will help make it look more natural.
To prevent each line from being gloopy, continue past where you want the line to stop, then cut the ends with scissors after they cool.
When you’ve finished your web, cover the glue with rhinestones or dewdrop cabochons, using a combination of small and large drops. If the gems don’t already have a sticky backing, you can gently heat the web with the top of the glue gun and delicately place the ornaments on the reheated glue. This can be a tricky process; it took me a few tries to perfect this technique!
Attach the necklace chains with another dab of glue on each corner and then add the clasp.
Once everything is dry, pull the glue web from the parchment paper. It should come right off!
Add sparkly beads to your chain for more dew around your neck.
Now you can adorn yourself with a gossamer necklace fit for a fairy queen!
It’s fragile and may last only a little longer than the webs it imitates, so handle with care. But how beautiful a thing it is while it lasts!
Visit Bridget at floraforager.com or on Instagram @flora.forager.