The Magical Beasts of Anastasiya Dobrovolskaya

Late last year on social media I saw the most extraordinary image: three very different women holding three very different foxes, all in hues...

The Unicorn Handbook Cover Shoot

Coming up with a cover image for The Unicorn Handbook posed a bit of a challenge. The two previous books in the series, The...

Gather Ye Rosebuds

Photography: Steve Parke Photography Assistant: Tedd Henn Location: Cloisters Castle in Baltimore, Maryland Hair: Nikki Verdecchia of NV Salon Collective MUA: Autumn Shae of NV Salon Collective...

Damaris Lewis – A Heightened State Of Hygge

Photography by Steve Parke Location: Casa Apicii, New York Hair: Marque Washington MUA: Karim Orange Styling & clothing: Bridgett Artise of Born Again Vintage Cashmere:...
Old School Bruja Linnet Williams Enchanted Living

Baltimore’s Old School Bruja

PHOTOGRAPHY BY STEVE PARKE I first became aware of Old School Bruja when an invitation was floating around Facebook last spring for a Witch’s High...
Model- Laura Beserova Crown- Ivy Design

Embracing Nature with Marketa Novak

Feature Image: Model: Laura Beserova Crown: Ivy Design When Czech photographer Marketa Novak heard that we were devoting an entire issue to Art Nouveau, she...
Photography: Elizabeth Elder Costume Designer: Joni Steinmann of Rainbow Curve Corsetry Models: Jessica Dru, Bryan Forrest Additional costuming (Bryan’s costume): Christy Hauptman Location: The Forrest Manor Enchanted Living Magazine Faerie Magazine

Adorned By The Forest

The fairies must have had their hand in making sure these beautiful images were created. When we learned, last minute, that Dutch corsetiere Joni...
Mayte Garcia Prince Enchanted Living Magazine Faerie Magazine Issue Steve Parke

Mayte: To Dance Among The Stars

When Mayte Garcia—more widely known as just Mayte, her given name, which is the Basque word for “beloved”—walked into Steve Parke’s Baltimore studio last June,...

The Celestial Issue Cover Reveal!

So we hope you're having an enchanted week, and are possibly in the mood to see our latest (45th!) cover of what has been Faerie Magazine until...

Druids Dance

Photography by Ange Harper “There’s no place on earth with more of the old superstitions and magic mixed into its daily life than the Scottish...