The Enchanted World of Katerina Plotnikova

On The Cover of Issue #28 AUtumn 2014 Subscribe // Order Back Issues Moscow-based photographer Katerina Plotnikova is one of the most exciting artists out there today, with her...

The Magical Beasts of Anastasiya Dobrovolskaya

Late last year on social media I saw the most extraordinary image: three very different women holding three very different foxes, all in hues...

Druids Dance

Photography by Ange Harper “There’s no place on earth with more of the old superstitions and magic mixed into its daily life than the Scottish...
Terry Dresbach Diana Gabaldon as Iona MacTavish Outlander Faerie Magazine

Dressed to Thrill

Should you encounter Terry Dresbach at Thru the Stones in late November, billed as “the first and largest Outlander convention in the Central United States,”...

Beata Beatrix

by Grace Nuth Photography by Steve Parke She sits, back slumped in a way that indicates she is oblivious of our gaze or the propriety...

An Invocation to Witches

Photography: Val Gleason (@vallerina01) Models: Tiffany Megan (@the.seasonal.scottish.lass), Ginkgo Greene (@ginkgogreene), Haylie Hopkins (@hotmesshaylie) When searching for the right cover for this vintage witch issue, there...

Virginia Hankins Lady Knight

You might recognize our cover model—female knight, professional archer, mermaid, and entrepreneur Virginia Hankins—from our Spring 2014 issue, in which we told you all about...
Winter Enchantment: Ceramicist Rachael Platt holding a lit manifesting jar under the full moon, surrounded by illuminated jars in a forest setting. Photography by steve parke

A Solitary Witch

Excerpt/Summary: Explore the enchanting world of solitary witchcraft with ceramicist Rachael Platt. In the Winter Witch issue, she unveils the magic of manifesting jars—ritual tools designed to focus intentions and dreams. Rachael, along with photographer Steve Parke, captures the essence of her beliefs in stunning forest scenes and moonlit rituals, celebrating the solitary elemental witchcraft that is deeply connected to nature. Discover the power of manifesting, the significance of lunar phases, and the artistic vision behind Rachael's magical ceramics.
Falling Through Time Outlander Faerie Magazine Diana Gabaldon

Falling Through Time Outlander

Photography: Steve Parke Gown/Styling: Justina A. Prince Model: Sarah Bentman MUA and Hair: Nikki Verdecchia of NV Salon Collective When the day shall come, that we...
Photographer/Styling: Michaela Ďurišová @michaela.durisova Model: Vlasta Gerhardová @gerhardova Crowns: Magaela Accessories @magaela_accessories Dresses: Sicilystyle.sk_bystricky_kraj (cover, p. 12-13) @sicilystyle.sk_bystricky_kraj, linnenaive (p. 14) @linennaive Wings, muah: (p. 11, 15, 17, 70-71) Barbora Baška Slovaková Muah: Dominika Tosh (p. 14)

The Wise Woman of the Forest

Photography by Michaela Ďurišová of her mother Vlasta Gerhardová - Feature image: Photographer/Styling: Michaela Ďurišová @michaela.durisova Model: Vlasta Gerhardová @gerhardova Crowns: Magaela Accessories @magaela_accessories Dresses: Sicilystyle.sk_bystricky_kraj (cover,...