A Dance of Fire and Ice
Cold winds howl.
As a veil of grey cloaks the skies,
turned to frost,

the mood is often heavy
as the snow we lie beneath.

With holiday sparkles but a glimmer in our memories, and the promise of Spring frustratingly out of reach, we seem to hit the proverbial iceberg this time of year, and find ourselves directly in the middle the Winter That Would Not End.

But, my Loves, there is another side to February, should we choose to see it. If we have charted our course to align with with the seasons, we may find ourselves deep within the planning and organizing phase of creating. This is a powerful place to be, because we still have time before we need to be seriously ready to launch our energies into the rebirth, and have had, ideally, a good bit of time to rest and journey inward. So, although we may feel more than a little stir crazy, this is actually a fabulous time to be indoors, quietly plotting, researching, formulating. You may even find that you are working quite hard at an internal deadline.

And you are about to be rewarded.

On February 2nd, we celebrate the witchy holiday of Imbolc, symbolizing the change of the Crone into the Maiden, and with her the very first twinkling of Spring. The return of the Sun is honored, as new agricultural life begins, beneath the watchful eye of the goddess Brigid, who bears the gifts of knowledge, inspiration, and the healing power of the Sun. See?Spring isn’t so far out of reach after all. 

It gets even better. A partial New Moon solar eclipse in revolutionary Aquarius comes parading in on February 15th, brimming with fresh, innovative ideas and clear communication. Eclipses demand metamorphosis, giving us an often much-needed shake out of complacency and into action, so get ready.

With a strong, encouraging aspect to sky-God Uranus, this means positive changes are all around, just waiting to be had. This New Moon is all about freedom, my Darlings, so embrace the transformation that leads to your release, for very soon, it will be your time to shine.

Use the power of air to communicate well and freely with like minded visionaries. It is an excellent time for brainstorming, bouncing ideas, and for pulling it all together cohesively, so it is crystalized when you are ready to set it free. Aquarius, as a fixed sign, is a stabilizer, allowing you to build a solid foundation. Just be aware that Aquarius hates drama, so keep that out of the mix during this New Moon, and throughout the entire waxing cycle.

What about the Full Moon this month, you ask? We don’t have one!  Our February Ice Moon actually lands on January 31 this year, but its energy will flow into the new month, inviting an internal stillness, quietly gliding alongside the energizing eclipses, creating a fabulous balance. Traditionally a period where life activity exists below the surface movement, February is an excellent month for purification and cleansing in the body, spirit, and home during the waning Moon. It is the time of house faeries and indoor plants, so be sure to give them some extra love.

Speaking of love, we cannot forget our Valentines. Or, more accurately, the spell cast by Venus herself. After all, who do you think sent Cupid out in the first place?

On the New Moon, celebrate her by creating a most sensual brew, one which beautifies from the inside out with powerful nutrients, and a formidable dose of love magic. Aquarius rules healthy circulation, which increases blood flow everywhere, creating healthy cell turnover for glowing skin and improving your love life.  Revel in a full beauty ritual by recharging with a luscious facial masque while enjoying your brew. Draw in the energies of this auspicious time in the lunar cycle, where intentions are set for future manifestation.

Venusian Spiced Love Brew
Per serving

2 tablespoons raw unsweetened
cacao powder
1 inch piece ginger
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 teaspoon cinnamon
pinch of cayenne
zest of one orange
1 tablespoon pure maple syrup, or to taste

Blend all ingredients except orange zest together on high speed until smooth. Pour into a saucepan and gently heat on a low flame. Take care not to boil, as that changes the energy of the drink, and also the nutrient content. Serve hot, garnished with fresh orange zest.

My Loves, this potion is intense in every way. All of its main ingredients are ruled by fire, to ignite the flames of their magical properties: love and money. What could be a better blend for bringing such abundance in? Not to mention the heat. This sensual combination is a warming, heady aphrodisiac, but with a lovely balance of psychic awareness and fidelity added to the cauldron, to strengthen and protect the sacred bonds of love.

The maple syrup is added here for it’s rich mineral content, and for its Jupiter-ruled ability to bring forth prosperity. Why not drizzle it in the shape of a dollar sign? Kitchen witchery is quite powerful when your intention is clear and focused. Of course, if you cannot consume sugars, organic stevia can be substituted. You will still have plenty of magic in there, not to worry.


Mystic Chocolate Facial
Makes 2-3 treatments

1 tablespoon raw, unsweetened cacao powder
1 tablespoon almond flour
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/2 teaspoon almond oil
pinch of cinnamon



Blend all ingredients together to form a paste. Massage into freshly cleansed skin to create a manual exfoliation, then let it rest with you for 15-20 minutes. You will feel a slight tingle. If you have very sensitive skin, you may omit the cinnamon if you wish. Gently remove with a warm cloth, rinse well, and pat dry.
Nourishing almond flour polishes while its companion oil firms. Glowing, clear, vibrant skin will be revealed!

February New Moon potions roll out the red carpet for the triple goddess, arriving this month in the form of cacao, cardamom, and cinnamon.

Cacao is a wellness deity, full of antioxidants, protein, minerals, and essential fatty acids, all of which contribute to supple skin, shiny hair, and strong nails. This love food increases blood flow and serotonin levels, which enhance mood and stir sexual desire.

Cardamom is another powerful antioxidant, rich in skin-loving vitamin C, and anti-bacterial properties to keep blemishes at bay. This ancient aphrodisiac spice increases circulation both in the body and on the skin’s surface for a vibrant, youthful glow. It also aids digestion, the single most important factor in health and beauty.

Cinnamon was highly regarded in ancient Egypt as medicine, and we continue to reap its plant power today. It stimulates the blood flow to the skin, plumping and smoothing fine lines, and keeps pores clear with anti-microbial power. Internally, it helps to build new collagen, essential in fighting the signs of aging. Cinnamon is also sacred to Brigid, goddess of Imbolc.

Beauty Witch Tip: Keep a piece of amethyst present during your ritual. Known as the Gem of Fire, this gorgeous Aquarian crystal both stimulates and soothes the mind.

And remember, a snowy February is said to bring a beautiful Spring…

Celestial love to you always,

xo Alise

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Alise Marie is the author of The Beauty Witch's Secrets: Recipes and Rituals For The The Modern Goddess, contributor at Enchanted Living, and creative director at The Beauty Witch®. Visit her at thebeautywitch.com for eco-luxe potions, planetary readings, and seasonal offerings, and on Instagram @thebeautywitchofficial.


  1. This is SO GOOD!!! Thank you for bringing together everything I need to know! I love how you bring witchcraft, astrology, health and beauty all together. Makes me feel like Super Woman!

  2. So much wonderful info! I love how in depth this article is; everything weaves together perfectly. I’m so excited to put this into practice on the New Moon!

  3. Wow, i couldn’t believe my luck to find this just when i needed some clarity to the post holiday confusion and come down. Now i don’t feel so full of the winter blues and instead find myself uplifted and looking forward to the beauty forecasts ahead. Thank you Alise!
    Quick question, can i use this mask more than once a month?

  4. Fabulous, thank you. I am deeply enjoying this drink. I only had to substitute paprika for cayenne, and lemon for orange, other than that I had everything! Thank you for providing a vegan recipe. It’s delicious.

    I also appreciate the scrub recipe, I’m always mixing up things, and cocoa is one of my favorites. Have you listened to the BBC radio documentary about the history of cacao? Fascinating.

    Anyway, I’m delighted with your presence in faerie magazine, and this column as well. Thank you!

    I would be delighted to see hair recipes in the future as well. I’m always concocting things for my mine.

    • Oh, I’m so glad you are enjoying it! No, I haven’t listened to that documentary yet…thanks for the tip! Yes, I will have potions for your entire heavenly body in months to come, as the stars see fit 😉
      I have a fabulous hair potion coming up for you in the Spring Tolkien print issue, so keep an eye out for that one. Thank you so! I’m pleased to meet you here. xo Alise

  5. I’m so happy to hear this, Moon Maiden! I’m excited to bring you monthly forecasts! And, yes, you can absolutely use this more than once per month. You can use it throughout the Waxing Moon cycle, as often as twice per week. If you have very sensitive skin, keep it to once per week, as the spices are quite active. Enjoy it, and thank you for joining me here! xo Alise

  6. The mask is absolutely amazing and smells so good too! It left my skin feeling glowy and bright! It did have a bit of a tingle to it but it felt good. You are a faerie godmother!

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