With loquacious Gemini winds all around, June tends toward a vibration of lightness not unlike a chatty flock of magpies. This famously talkative bird shares no idle gossip, however – it is largely considered to be one of the most intelligent of all avian species. This is the feeling of June: alive, aflutter, and aloft. And at every turn, there is beauty! The earth is alive with happy flowers, energetic creatures, and more greens than can possibly be taken in all at once. The intellect of elemental air infuses our curiosities, and invites us to explore not only higher thinking, but to expand our areas of interest. It is this energy that inspires us as we enter the new month, teeming with anxious new beginnings. In these unprecedented times, what comes next? In theory, we are out of the cage; in reality, who knows? But not to worry, mes amours – cosmic timing and infinite wisdom are here for us, as always, to forge a path through what we cannot see. Because really, what “times” are actually ever predictable? When is the future locked in stone? Is there actually such a thing as security? It is my understanding that we are always being asked to adapt, adjust, and go with the proverbial flow. Sound scary, tiring? Non. There is freedom in this. Freedom to choose a different path, should we desire. And freedom to choose how we react to trying situations. This month, the stars have a game plan. Are you ready?

GEMINI POWER CARD: The Lovers Soul connections. Choices. Balancing of opposites to create wholeness. Honest communication. From a vintage Aquarian Tarot deck by David Palladini.
As part of her retrograde/direct cycle, our divine Venus transforms from a bright evening star to a beacon of the new morning on June 3rd, suggesting that we, too, approach things from a different perspective. This is important – take a beat here. You are, in your purest form, that same luminous force of love simply being asked to try a new viewpoint – one you may find changes your entire outlook in a most beneficial way. Allow some sacred time now to ponder what that might look like for you, and don’t be afraid of letting go of rigid patterns. Now, when everything around feels like a storm, letting go of anything seems terrifying, granted, but see this opportunity for what it is – a way to shift how you give and receive love.
Alongside airy effervescence and Venusian possibilities, June bestows a new eclipse cycle – and oh my, this pair is an intense one! The first occurs as a Lunar Eclipse on June 5th (3:12pm EST) in her guise as the Full Mead Moon in none other than individualistic, freedom-loving Sagittarius. This Moon is key, my dearest ones, because this eclipse energy tossed into an already potent cauldron means there is immense energy available to you for stepping into your most true-to-who-you-really-are power. I see it as, literally, standing alone beneath the Full Moon (I picture a hilltop, and the temperature is perfect, of course) and removing that heavy cloak which has to some extent been keeping you warm for ages, but over time became dusty, musty, and frayed. And, if we are completely honest, it’s doesn’t fit. But when that weighty mantle drops to the earth, what remains is your gorgeously incandescent nakedness – and it is a rush like no other! Letting go is never easy, I know, but is it really any easier to drag around energy that’s become an obstacle? Of your own making, no less! You may feel vulnerable, but I assure you it’s all in the mind. The body which houses the spirit knows that it is time to shine. The Archer loves to stand away (and ahead) of the pack, so let him guide you with unstoppable courage and his fierce spirit of adventure.
As I was contemplating the ideal potion to concoct for this Moon, lots of things popped up, but one shone the brightest. You know me, I love it when you feel fantastic, and then dazzle the world with your radiance! I want you to project your fabulousness in a big way, by wearing it right on your face for all to see. Since the Full Moon occurs in the afternoon, you can work your magick (all of it) the night before when the energy is strongest, but you can also enjoy this petite ritual in the morning, before you greet the new day (just like Venus!) Lush with beautifying Summer fruits and vital nutrients, it need only take an extra ten minutes, but will set the energy for the uncloaked you that is poised to emerge.
The spotlight this month shines not only on you, but upon your magickal helper – bright, airy tangerine. Drenched in the strengthening and protective energy of the Sun, this juicy orb is blessed with vitamin C and antioxidants that delay and repair the visible signs of skin damage (including aging), and impart a celestial glow that is impossible to resist! Ruled by air, it wafts effortlessly through a room with buoyant energy, lifting your mood instantly as it cleanses.

Shine A Light
Facial Exfoliant & Masque
Yields 2-3 treatments
¼ ripe peach
¼ ripe nectarine
1 tablespoon fresh tangerine juice
2 tablespoons garbanzo bean flour (besan)
3 drops chamomile essential oil
Begin by finely chopping the peach and nectarine, then transferring them to a bowl. Mash the fruit with a pestle until it becomes a fairly smooth, creamy blend. It will be nearly impossible to get it completely smooth, so don’t worry – just try to eliminate most of the chunkiness. (You can use a potato masher, or even a fork, if you don’t have a pestle.) Though it does make it easier to peel the fruit first, I prefer to keep the skin on, but if you like you can remove it and save to blend into a smoothie. Quarter the nectarine and squeeze the juice into a tablespoon. Remove any pits, then stir into the fruit mixture. Now add the besan and stir clockwise until well blended. The texture should be similar to that of a thick, fruity yogurt – if not, add more flour until you get there. Finally, add the chamomile oil one drop at a time. As you are concocting, connect with the energy of stepping into your power. When you are ready, apply the masque to a clean face either with your hands or with a cosmetic brush. It will be messy, as all fresh masques are, but entirely worth it! Gently massage in a circular motion to get the blood flowing to your skin, and activate the exfoliation alongside the magick. Apply another layer if you like (I always find this most effective) and don’t forget your neck and décolleté. Now stand in a sacred space, either in your home or outdoors, and visualize yourself dropping that cloak, and really feel it – not only the weight of it coming off you, but the lightness you are left with. You may experience a little chill if you really get into it, but quickly that will be replaced by a feeling of expansion in your heart chakra. Throw your shoulders back and stand proudly in your light! Hold your head high, and ask to receive the power of this auspicious Moon. If at all possible, actually wear and old coat, cloak, or robe that you are ready to part with (naked and freshly bathed underneath, of course) and make the ritual more authentic! Remove the masque with cool water, pat dry, then apply your favorite serum or crème.
This potion smells absolutely luscious, like a lusty dance outdoors on Midsummer herself! And you will find it purrfectly gentle on even sensitive skin, despite the power of the fruit. This recipe makes enough to share, perhaps with a neighbor who could use a lift? That would be a lovely thing – let he or she know that they are entirely worth tending to.
Peach and Nectarine Pretty peaches and nubile nectarines are gifts of Venus that possess her beauty magick alongside ample doses of vitamins A and C, for superb age-defying effects and the smoothest, most radiant skin imaginable. Water-ruled, they also carry the sorcery of heightened intuition.
Garbanzo Flour (Besan) This ancient Ayurvedic skin beautifier is one of my all-time faves for its gentle yet effective exfoliation powers, and the stellar nutrition it delivers to your skin. I love to use it thrice weekly, even just on its own, to lift away old cells and leave skin glowy, hydrated, and firm.
Chamomile More solar power comes from gentle chamomile, added here for a soothing balance for your skin and your spirit. Besides its heavenly, calming scent, it carries the magick of love and harmony.
Beauty Witch Secret: To add a power boost to this treatment, add 2-3 drops of pure tangerine essential oil – it will rejuvenate cells on a deeper level for a more intense ritual. (If you have sensitive skin, please try a small test area first.) As with all active masques, your skin may be slightly pink afterward but will subside after a short time. This makes a fantastic hand treatment too!

The Full Moon Eclipse potency will remain with you, as the messages of the eclipse reveals itself. Keep this vitality running through your veins as we approach a Mercury retrograde on June 18th. This one occurs in Cancer, and with predominant Gemini energy wafting about, it would be prudent to consider your words right now. There is an extra sensitivity to communication here, with yourself as well as with others. Choose your phrasing carefully, and be aware of other’s feelings even if they appear on the surface to have a hard shell. Bearing the five-day shadow in mind, be wary of blurting out anything that you may not be able to take back so easily, but rather to find a balance between emotion and intellect. Since Cancer rules the home, I would strongly advise against making big changes there if you can help it – particularly where contracts are concerned – so no moves, renovations, or mortgages/leases until late July. And don’t forget the little ones! Children of any kind are vulnerable between eclipses, so keep watery intuition heightened where their well-being is concerned.
To sweeten the spirits, the luscious, highly sensual Summer Solstice appears on June 20th, just as the Sun segues into hearth-loving Cancer. In lieu of a Mediterranean holiday (sniff!) why not feather the nest and indulge your every sense right at home? Envision light, sexy fare and refreshing cocktails, deliciously surrounded by vibrant flowers and heady aromas from the luxury of your own balcony (not to mention your bed!) Indulge in the sweet voluptuousness of Midsummer, so welcome after a harrowing Spring, and allow her inherent softness in.

The home-loving theme continues with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 21st (2:41am EST,) which presents a challenge of opposites right in tune with global goings-on: the urge for freedom and the need for self-expression that challenges the necessity of restraint and responsible action. This may just be the most significant eclipse of this year, because it has an energy of total renewal on a large scale. It will be interesting to see what grows from the tiny seeds that are planted now, both energetically and on the physical plane, over time. This is a certainty on the world stage, but also bears truth in the microcosm: you can expect changes in your own life that have a stellar impact down the line. You may not even see them at first, or perhaps you’ve heard the wind whispering of late. If you can balance what you want with what you need, and take realistic steps toward that, much can be achieved in the months to come. I’d love to hear what you have in mind in the comments below!
I’ve conjured a jubilant little potion for you that wields more power than you’d think. This breezy refresher has solar-powered magick to alight your home with high vibrations and Summertime good cheer, and can be used everywhere to raise the energy. I love it as a body refresher and as a travelling aura mist, though it falls primarily under the category of one of my signature favorites – The Lair Freshener.

Sacred Sunshine
Lair Freshener
Yields approximately 3oz.
2.5 oz. spring water
20 drops tangerine essential oil
8 drops lemon essential oil
8 drops vetiver essential oil
6 drops rosemary essential oil
Pour the spring water into a colored glass spray bottle, then add each essential oil, one at a time, connecting with their individual magick, and infusing their collective powers into your potion. Cap the bottle tightly, then swirl in a clockwise direction. Use liberally everywhere (air, surface, carpets, draperies, etc.) after a good Dark-into-New-Moon house cleansing, touching your home with the magick wand of joyous love and protection. A side note: one of my familiars does not like the scent of citrus (the other couldn’t give a fig either way) so I take care not to spray the carpets or anywhere she likes to lie out of respect. In that case, the citrus could be lessened, with more rosemary and vetivert added.
Lemon Lunar lemon pairs with solar tangerine for sublime celestial balance and expert clearing prowess. Together they bear the gifts of love, longevity, strength, vitality, and protection.
Vetivert A time-tested Witches herb, vetivert brings luck and abundance, and protects that considerable wealth. It’s earthy, lushly wooded aroma calls in the green spirits.
Rosemary Fiery rosemary is a Witch’s best friend, blessing everything it touches with strong protective energy mingled with considerable cleansing, healing, and love magick. There may or may not be a dose of lust in there too. You’ll find out.
Beauty Witch Secret: Add a small, rough cut citrine to your potion to clear any blockages, and invite in bright, fresh new energy.

Ah, but the month is not over! There are two lovely surprises in store! Our goddess planet Venus takes direct motion on June 25th in Gemini, so although she will take a little time to regain her full vigor, you can expect to be quite charming in social situations – for no matter how much distance is required, your light will translate! You can now fully see, and enjoy, the information that became clear during her retrograde with regard to forgiveness and heart healing. As I mentioned earlier, there is no need to be weighed down any longer by thoughts or emotions that have become burdensome, but it is necessary to stand in the warm glow of love – in all her forms!
Last, but certainly not least, power planet Mars returns home for an extended stay in his favorite place: Aries! With a retrograde coming up in Autumn, Mars remains in the sign of the Ram for the rest of the year, which is wonderful news for your physical energy, vitality and strength, as it receives a charge after being drained for way too long. Your desires and goal-oriented plans will get a major boost, too, as energy is now available to see them through.
And that brings us to the close of a very eventful month! I wish you every gift this life has to offer, and the wisdom to use them well. I love to hear from you, so do let me know how you are doing! Summer Solstice joy to you!
Love and Stardust,
Xo Alise