Magic by Moonlight
Instagram @yidneth
The sun was directly overhead but would soon bow to the moon. She was preparing the garden. All the moonlight...
Charms for Summer
It begins with the pink moon in spring. It begins with fireflies in the hedges and falling in love for the first time.
It’s passion,...
Experience ‘Beguiled’: A Captivating Fantasy Novel Rooted in Folklore and Fairy...
We want to tell you about a novel from author Cyla Panin—Beguiled, that came out last summer and can be found at all book retailers!
The Witch’s Secret
Feature Image: Study for Maidens Picking Flowers by the Stream (1911),
by John William Waterhouse
Image Courtesy Wikimedia Commons
There was something strange about the cottage at...
A Spell for Summoning Spring
Spring does not need to be summoned.
It will come in its own time and its own way to grace the land around us. It always does. For me, in my area, I know spring is well and truly on the way in early March, when the mesquite trees are heavy with their delicate yellow blooms and the wildflowers begin showing off all over the place. The first to arrive is pink primrose, and that is followed by bluebonnet, Mexican hats, and paintbrush, and last are the wild white poppies with a shock of hot pink at their center. This is how spring settles itself into the land where I live.
Dance of the Selkies
Article from the Sumer Mermaid Issue #59
Photography by The Witching Hour Photography
Model Tatiana Pimentel
The woman glanced in the mirror and wondered who the tired person...
The Witch in Spring
Photograph by Ellen Tyn
Wake up, wake up! say the first snowdrops. Their green stems poke through the snow, and their delicate hanging bells quiver...
The Woman Who Could Talk To Bees
Feature Image:
Models: Jo Maldonado and her service dog Baruh
There once was a small village tucked deep within a forest that seemed made for the...
A Love Letter to Ladies Accused of Witchcraft | Pt. 2
Feature Image:
The Witch of Endor Raising the Spirit of Samuel (1783), by William Blake
Photo ©Ken Welsh. All rights reserved 2022 / Bridgeman Images
A Love Letter to Ladies Accused of Witchcraft | Pt. 1
Feature Image:
Anne Boleyn in the Tower of London (1835), by Édouard Cibot
Bridgeman Images
When I was in high school, I had pointy features and big...