Written In The Stars

Illustration by GUINEVERE VON SNEEDEN Charumati glanced over her shoulder, just once. Her gaze swept the celestial palace where she had spent her life. How it...

The Tree and She

  In her first memory of this life, she clutched two pecans in her small hands. Warm brown with tabby cat black stripes, dry and...
Posthumous painting of Mary Anning (1847) by B. J. Donne | IanDagnall Computing / Alamy Stock Photo

Mary Anning, Monster Hunter

Posthumous painting of Mary Anning (1847) by B. J. Donne IanDagnall Computing / Alamy Stock Photo Oh, Mary Anning. That stubborn young spinster gave us the...

Creatures of the Snow

Art by Sigrid Rødli The snow and ice bring with it a pantheon of winter spirits that range from the benevolent to the purely evil...

A Message From Sherry L. Ross

We hope you're having a gorgeous Wednesday! We wanted to make your afternoon slightly more gorgeous with this sweet missive from our friend Sherry L....

Red Riding Hood

PHOTOGRAPHY BY STEVE PARKE Model: Love Chappelle   An errand of mercy, a basket of love. Only the best of intentions are paving this path. But girls have...
Sappho and Erinna in a Garden at Mytilene (1864), by Simeon Solomon

The Eternal Wisdom of Sappho

Feature Image: Sappho and Erinna in a Garden at Mytilene (1864), by Simeon Solomon According to the Ancient Greek poet Alcaeus of Mytilene, “No man sings...
Models: Jo Maldonado and her service dog Baruh

The Woman Who Could Talk To Bees

Feature Image: Models: Jo Maldonado and her service dog Baruh There once was a small village tucked deep within a forest that seemed made for the...

The Witch Of The Winter Woods

Art by Jana Heidersdorf When I was a child, I strayed too far from the path and was eaten by a wolf. A woodcutter saved...
Rachel Oakes-Illustration_The Dark Mother

Elder Mother

Grandmother Elder, that’s what they call me. They can’t seem to agree if I am a tree or a shrub, which is fitting really—I’ve always...