Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses (1891), by John William Waterhouse

Power and Isolation of Circe: The Artistic Journey of John William...

Feature Image: Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses (1891), by John William Waterhouse Image Courtesy Wikimedia CommonsOnce upon a time there was a talented young painter...
Photography by MARTIN PODT @martinpodt

A Spell for Summoning Spring

Spring does not need to be summoned. It will come in its own time and its own way to grace the land around us. It always does. For me, in my area, I know spring is well and truly on the way in early March, when the mesquite trees are heavy with their delicate yellow blooms and the wildflowers begin showing off all over the place. The first to arrive is pink primrose, and that is followed by bluebonnet, Mexican hats, and paintbrush, and last are the wild white poppies with a shock of hot pink at their center. This is how spring settles itself into the land where I live.

Dance of the Selkies

Article from the Sumer Mermaid Issue #59 Photography by The Witching Hour Photography Model Tatiana Pimentel The woman glanced in the mirror and wondered who the tired person...
Photograph by Ellen Tyn

The Witch in Spring

Photograph by Ellen Tyn Wake up, wake up! say the first snowdrops. Their green stems poke through the snow, and their delicate hanging bells quiver...

Journal Like a Gothic Heroine

The gothic genre is in love with literary ephemera. It glories in old letters tucked into books, handwritten accounts hidden in secret drawers, and...

Gothic Novels, Gothic Women

Feature Image:  Frontispiece from The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Ward Radcliffe / London: G. & J. Robinson, 1803. © British Library Board. All Rights...

The Elegance of Bloodletting

Vogue, a century or so ago, often featured the “fancy dress balls” of the day, especially as they pertained to charity events and the idling of the rich—the magazine proclaimed such costume parties (in the 1913 article “On With the Masque!”) to be a “whirling vortex of  merriment in  the guise of bird, beast, or flower, or as the elements of nature, or in plumes borrowed from many nations.”

The Hags’ Tapers

Feature Image: The Silent Voice (1898), by Gerald Moira There once was a village so small that the tall conifers that surrounded it kept it hidden...

Poetry In The Graveyard

It is a privilege to be the keeper of a historic, quaint cemetery in my small Maine town—a magical place hidden within the forest,...

Gothic Fairy Tales

Feature Image: Illustration by Joseph Urban and H. Lefler for Märchen-Kalendar (1905) A young girl lies in a glass coffin, alone in the woods, her black...