The Elegance of Bloodletting

Vogue, a century or so ago, often featured the “fancy dress balls” of the day, especially as they pertained to charity events and the idling of the rich—the magazine proclaimed such costume parties (in the 1913 article “On With the Masque!”) to be a “whirling vortex of  merriment in  the guise of bird, beast, or flower, or as the elements of nature, or in plumes borrowed from many nations.”

The Hags’ Tapers

Feature Image: The Silent Voice (1898), by Gerald Moira There once was a village so small that the tall conifers that surrounded it kept it hidden...

Poetry In The Graveyard

It is a privilege to be the keeper of a historic, quaint cemetery in my small Maine town—a magical place hidden within the forest,...

Gothic Fairy Tales

Feature Image: Illustration by Joseph Urban and H. Lefler for Märchen-Kalendar (1905) A young girl lies in a glass coffin, alone in the woods, her black...

Eight Ways to Tell You’ve Been a Gothic Heroine

Featured Image: The Nightmare (1790−1791) by Henry Fuseli ––– • You appreciate the beauty in time’s passing, whether it shows in a bare winter branch, a...

All Saints House

Imagine living in a Gothic church turned home! When we read about a family—Anastasiia, Gunther, and their three children—in Maryland doing just that, our...

Bringing the Macabre Into Your Fiction

Be it tales of wicked fairies, necromancers in their bone palaces, or demons waiting by the roadside to bargain for souls, the macabre has...
Models: Jo Maldonado and her service dog Baruh

The Woman Who Could Talk To Bees

Feature Image: Models: Jo Maldonado and her service dog Baruh There once was a small village tucked deep within a forest that seemed made for the...
The Witch of Endor Raising the Spirit of Samuel (1783), by William Blake

A Love Letter to Ladies Accused of Witchcraft | Pt. 2

Feature Image: The Witch of Endor Raising the Spirit of Samuel (1783), by William Blake Photo ©Ken Welsh. All rights reserved 2022 / Bridgeman Images Read...
Anne Boleyn in the Tower of London (1835), by Édouard Cibot

A Love Letter to Ladies Accused of Witchcraft | Pt. 1

Feature Image: Anne Boleyn in the Tower of London (1835), by Édouard Cibot Bridgeman Images When I was in high school, I had pointy features and big...