Photography: Amanda Valentine
Makeup: Jessica Saint
Louis Armstrong’s soulful voice vibrates through the barge-board wood of my old 1898 Creole cottage as he sings “What a Wonderful World.” In the contemplative quiet of this time of year, candles are flickering around my parlor, orange peels and cinnamon sticks are simmering in a cast-iron cauldron, and my well-worn grimoire is laid out on the wooden kitchen table. My grimoire is divided by tea-dyed strips of antique lace that act as bookmarks for the spells I’ve written over the years.
In the looping black ink of my cursive, the perfect spell forms just for you on these pages. As the wheel of the year turns, bringing the enchantment of the new year upon us… you, my darling, are given an invitation to manifest your very own Renaissance!
Will you accept?
You’re the author of the story of your life, after all. A spell is simply a formula of words, action, and focused energy that contain magical force. Your words are wands. Take my hand and let’s manifest our very own spell!
How do you wish to write it?
Step 1: Music as Magick. Music is one of the most powerful magical tools in existence. It can create mood, stir emotion, and communicate with our very souls. It’s time to honor yourself by picking your very own theme song. Rocky Balboa has a one that empowers him to keep going. Is there a piece of music that can do the same for you?
Choose a song that makes you feel the way you want to in this new year. Then write down the answer to this question: What emotions does this song stir in you?
As an example, my choice of song is Muddy Waters’s “Mannish Boy.” It’s often one of the first songs I listen to when I start my day. Muddy Waters begins by singing, “Everything … everything… every thing is gonna be all right this mornin’ ” … to which Johnny Winters enthusiastically responds in the background, “Yes I know! ” At that moment, Muddy Waters dives right into a sultry blues riff on his guitar. When I hear this, I feel confident, powerful, sensual, magnetic—and ready to own my day!
Step 2: Create Your Renaissance Vow. What we say matters. Your soul hears everything you say and reacts to it. Write your own personal vow to yourself for this year. You can be inspired by the feelings your theme song stirs in you! An example of what that could look like is this: “For this new year, I vow to tap in to my own innate, powerful confidence and deep knowing. I stand in my full power of radiance, courage, and passion to magnetize the very best to me.”
Step 3: Choose Your Adornment Talisman. Select a necklace, a ring, a flower crown, a bracelet … anything you can wear. This object is a witness to your spell and will soak up the powerful vibes that you cast as you perform it. You can use something you already have, you can make something, or you can go out and buy something that’s appropriate and fits the theme of your year. As an example, to create my adornment talisman necklace, I found a small skeleton key and decorated it with an antique lace ribbon, then used a black velvet cord to radiate strength and power. All right, my witchy friend, you’ve now curated the powerful foundation of your Renaissance spell!
Step 4: Pick a Date. Now you need to pick a magical date to perform your spell! Choose a night between the new moon and the full moon, as when the moon is growing (or waxing), it’s building in power.
Step 5: Gather Ingredients. Once you’ve found your theme song, written your vow, chosen your talisman, and picked your date, it’s time to collect these ingredients for the spell work:
- A mirror to sit in front of
- Your written Renaissance vow
- Your chosen talisman
- A lemon
- A knife and cutting board
- A clear glass full of water
- A taper candle (or birthday candle) and holder
- A lighter

On the day you perform your spell, I’d suggest taking a shower or bath to get yourself in the proper mindset.
Choose something to wear that makes you feel beautiful.
Set up your ritual space in front of the mirror so that you can see yourself. Make it clean and appealing. Lay out your ritual objects on a small table or a beautiful piece of cloth.
Then put your chosen theme song on and set it on repeat. Close your eyes and listen to the music.
Feel the power growing. When you’re ready, look at yourself in the mirror and say your Renaissance vow powerfully out loud.
Put your talisman on with purpose, as if you’re receiving the ability to wear it because of the vow you’ve taken.
Close your eyes. Continue listening to your theme song. Imagine the good vibes you’re getting from the music seeping through your pores and into the talisman you’re wearing.
As the energy builds, hold your hands
up, palms facing the mirror, and imagine beams of sunshine radiating out of them. Gaze into your own eyes in the mirror and repeat your Renaissance vow. Connecting with your eyes as you say the vow will make the spell stronger.
Cup your hands as if you’re drinking water, then blow your breath into your palms. This magick gesture puts your “life breath” and your creative force into the lines of your palms.
Now clasp your hands in a prayer position and rub your palms back and forth to energize them. When they’re hot with energy, grab the lemon.
Close your eyes and be still for three full minutes. Feel the energy being transferred from your palms into the lemon.
Cut the lemon in half on the cutting board and then hold one side of it over your water. Squeeze the juice into your glass. Remember that this bright beautiful lemon grew in the sunshine; the juice of the lemon brings power and happiness to your spell. The lemon is a gift from the earth. Take the second half and squeeze all the delicious juice out with intention into your water—like you’re crafting a potion (because you are!)
Bring the glass to your lips and speak your Renaissance vow into the water for the third and final time so that you can see your breath make ripples in the water.
Place the glass with the lemon-juice potion in front of you and light the candle. With your right hand, pick up the glass of water, and with your left hand, hold the lit candle behind the glass so that you can see the candle flame shine through the water.
Now say:
Water for the flow I need. Earth for the dreams I seed. Air for the words I speak. Fire for the passion I seek.
A Vow to the water, earth, air, and fire To craft the life that I desire.
This is your own personal magick water! You have enchanted it with your words and your thoughts and your actions. You summoned the water, earth, air, and fire for this spell. Take a delicious sip.
Now set the candle down in a safe place before you. Take your fingertips, dip them in the water, flick or rub the water droplets onto your adornment talisman, and say:
Adornment magick holds the key To amplify the core of me.
To stir the vibes of strength and passion Dress me in enchanted fashion.
End the spell as we always do:
See it, be it, so be it!
Save this Renaissance-vow lemon-water potion in a mason jar and take a sip every morning for the next nine days while you play your theme song. Wear your talisman whenever you need to be reminded of your power, passion, and purpose.
Here’s to a beautiful new year filled with magick!