Historic clothing created and modeled by Seamstress of Rohan.
Photography by Helena Aguilar Mayans.

Take a spoon, silver’s best, but any spoon
Will do, so long as it is old. It should
Be held in the left hand. Take it now, room
To room while making motions that you would
Make if you were having to scoop around
Or dig up unseen things—which of course you
Are—the spoon holds negativities found
In the house. When every room’s been gone through,
You must take the spoon to a crossroads, then
With your right hand you need to dig a hole
That you place the spoon in with your left one.
Use both your hands to bury it. And when
You’re done—just walk away. It takes control
Not to look back, but don’t. That’s it. You’re done.

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Juleigh Howard-Hobson
Juleigh Howard Hobson’s otherworldly writing has appeared in The Liar’s League, New Witch, Enchanted Conversation, History Is Dead (Permuted Press), Mandragora (Scarlett Imprint) and many other places. She lives by a deep dark forest in the Pacific Northwest, magically living and writing among natural standing stones and sacred circles.