Illustration by Guinevere von Sneeden
• You can lace your own corset without assistance.
• You wear corsets.
• When your friends order cocktails, you prefer a neat whiskey—or champagne if you’re feeling feisty.
• You believe music sounds best when played on a Victrola.
• Most of your remedies for colds or headaches come from your stock of dried herbs.
• Antique photos give you a strong sense of déjà vu, and a peculiar sadness.
• Your ankles feel bare without the brush of long skirts against them.
• Wait, bare ankles? How unseemly! Sturdy boots for walking in the Highlands, please!
• When friends ask you for makeup advice, you suggest crushed berries or herbs for blush and lipstick shades.
• Modern life is far too fast, chaotic, and noisy. You prefer quiet moments in nature, reading, working on embroidery, or gardening.
• You sew your own clothes … without a sewing machine.
• There are no televisions or computers in your home. Modern electronics make you feel uncomfortable.
• You reach out to touch every standing stone you visit.