May 1 Beltane *Fertility, galore!*
May 2 Venus in Aries *Passion and vitality*
May 10 Mercury Retrograde/ *The best laid plans…
Jupiter in Aries *Personal power!*
May 16 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio *Hold steady, and get ready*
May 24 Mars in Aries *You can achieve anything*
May 28 Venus in Taurus *The Body is My Temple*
May 30 New Moon in Gemini * Bright new plans*
The flowering of Spring truly bares herself during the “lusty month of May,” with the fullness of the growing season finally, truly in bloom. And we have waited, not with any modicum of patience, through whirlwind Aries and his force-of-nature spell, to arrive here in a more relaxed vibration. Last month’s New Moon Solar Eclipse that closed April is still resonating potently, and we are wise not to make any major moves, nor significant changes, until we get slightly father into the month. As you recall, the eclipse had the potential for a gentler deliverance than the usual, and with it an awareness of solid, long-term financial plans. These are now in motion, but we will need to allow the cosmic dust to settle, and all the information to come forth.
With the Bull now in the light of the Sun, earthly pleasures are so much more tempting, no? We celebrate the gorgeous Sabbat of Beltane with the verdant beauty of nature everywhere. And with every bite of new fruit comes the sigh of slower living, the decadence of pleasure, and more than a little flirtation in the breeze. May is always just so welcome, especially here in the northern hemisphere, after an unpredictable early Spring that promises solar caresses one day, and cold rain the next. I say, get out there and revel in it. Part of the sheer fun of now must include not taking it all too seriously, though, because Venus is really only interested in the surface of things. And go easy on those indulgences, chéris. Purses can empty quickly, and weight can appear out of nowhere – both with the potential to stick around for longer than you would like.

A strong tug-of-war will prevail as May opens her garden gate, with planetary polarizing as its dance du jour. On May 2nd, as we try to slowly, carefully contemplate the wisdom of the eclipse, our darling Venus decides to don a red dress for romp with her lover Mars. Here, she wants no part of waiting. The beauty is, that for the next four weeks passion, lust, and sexual vitality rule the day…not to mention what it does for the evenings. There is boundless energy, charisma, and enthusiasm for all things Venusian, and yet, we don’t want to forge ahead in any way that we may regret. Do your best to see things as they truly are, which can simply mean a fabulous fling. Not everything has to be for the long haul, as long as your awareness is sharp. If you’ve been carefully saving money, and have plenty of well-built foundation, by all means head for a lusty getaway with that certain interest, just take it for the beauty of now, and be clear – the Taurus energy can make things very difficult to change once initiated. Communications can get misleading too, particularly as we draw nearer to May 10th, when Mercury retrogrades in his home of Gemini. If you do opt for travel, be prepared to show flexibility and good cheer, because the best laid plans right now are almost certain to go off the proverbial tracks. This will hold true in all areas, mes amis, with a distinctively disruptive vibe in the air. I will reiterate that you do not want to make a major moves or decisions now, particularly in the wake of the eclipse. Whatever is on your calendar, be open to changes. I see Venus just shrugging and smiling through it all, and I think she would love it if you could do the same. In fact, she would love it if you dusted off an old creative project and gave it some new life.
The cosmic web is being woven intricately, yes, and will add another wisp of silken thread, as May 10th also brings forth prosperous Jupiter entering Aries, just to liven things up! This transit is steeped in personal power, allowing you to take risks – and trusting they will pay off. You have the courage now to steer your ship in whatever direction you choose, and you have fortune at your fingertips. It’s a wonderful thing! This does not mean you should take foolish chances, of course, but that you must, indeed, take a chance or two when it feels right. If all this sounds mildly contradictory, that’s the stars for you: sometimes, they ask that you have multiple levels of awareness going at once. But I know you can do it. Stay connected to those oh-so-important moments disguised as glamour, and, by design, cloaked in mystery – beauty rituals. They truly empower. Like tending your garden, they not only create peace, love, abundance, and even more beauty, but they allow that sacred beat between the notes where presence lives, and stress simply cannot.
And, because I know you love an epicurean adventure, I have conjured a most deliriously delicious nibble for you, in celebration of the Bull, and of all the work being done recently to let go of the past and bring forth new riches in every way. Our Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs on May 16 (12:14am EST) ) in elusive Scorpio, and though it has a plan to be more than a bit draining, I offer you some respite. But we’ll get to that momentarily. Let’s look at the eclipse first, yes?
We have been on a transformational path for a while now, with recurrent themes of rebirth in the forefront of our consciousness. This eclipse marks the peak of letting go of the old to embrace the new. And while this is never an easy shift, mignonettes, it is entirely necessary. If you’ve been carrying old baggage – yours or someone else’s – you have a cosmic opportunity here to truly let it go. In a big way. This may feel overly intense, but trust not only the immense healing that is being offered, but the way forward to creating a new karmic experience. If you think this doesn’t apply to you, think again. There are much greater, long-term forces at work, and with this gift of being able to embrace them, and go with changes that are necessary for survival and new growth, we are in a unique place to take an enormous step up. You’ll know, somewhere inside, what those changes are, because they have been tugging at your hemline for months. They may have even clawed onto you like a frightened animal, whom you wouldn’t push away, but would comfort with compassion and wisdom. Do the same for yourself. You aren’t broken, though you have taken a few beatings, yes? It’s time to move on from that. And the stars are here to help you. Remember, that with any eclipse, it will take a little while to understand and receive the information, as we are dealing with a “hidden” aspect, but now especially, with Mercury in retrograde, things will be uncertain. Adding to the cauldron is that Scorpio rules mystery, secrets, and, yes, even manipulation, which will compound the energies. Rest assured, you will begin to have clarity in June. Until then, know that there is much you simply don’t know yet. And expect the unexpected. An eclipse can signal a sudden exit, as we know, but it can also ignite a sudden appearance of something or someone new.
To sweeten things up for you, I offer a decadent, buttery delight steeped in the gifts of Venus: this sorceress’ twist on a classic sablé brings forth love, money, creativity, and harmony, which I feel is the only magick we need to be working right now – to strengthen and beautify ourselves, so that we can graciously take on any situation with refined elegance.

Sablés au Jasmin
Beauty Bite
Conjures 16-20 pieces
3/4 cup tapioca flour
1 cup all-purpose gluten-free baking flour
½ cup raw, virgin coconut oil
½ cup vegan salted butter (I use Miyoko’s European Style exclusively – it is coconut oil based)
¾ c raw coconut sugar
1 tablespoon bourbon vanilla
1 tablespoon pure almond extract
¾ cup dried jasmine flowers
¾ cup raw sliced almonds
Preheat oven to 350F.
As you conjure, visualize and truly feel beauty, blissful love, creative juices, and abundance coursing through you. Take pleasure in every moment of creating this recipe, down to that last nibble. And do share – these are very decadent, so please so not inhale the entire batch! A Full Moon has potential to pack on pounds instantly, so just a little nibble will be more than enough to satisfy.
Warm the coconut oil on a very low flame until completely melted. While it’s heating, whisk the flours and sugar together in a large mixing bowl. Pour the melted oil over the dry mixture evenly, then add extracts. Mix it as well as you can, then get in there with your hands until everything is evenly coated. The mixture will be a bit crumbly.
Spoon the dough into a small baking pan – here I used a tarte baking dish, but you can use a 9” rectangular one if you like – both of which create a thicker “cookie.” If you prefer more of a very thin shortbread style biscuit, use a larger pan, but cut the baking time down, as they can burn quickly. Press the dough down evenly with your fingers. Sprinkle the jasmine and almonds on top, and carefully press them into the dough. Score into at least 16 bites (they are rich!) then bake for 18-20 minutes. Ovens vary, so keep an eye on them to ensure they don’t cook too quickly or burn. Because of the high amount of butter and oil used, they will appear to be undercooked, but will actually cool to purrfection. You can go to just lightly golden on the edges, but not much more. Allow them to cool completely, or they will fall apart, then store them in an airtight tin. (I pop mine in the refrigerator overnight just to ensure they are cooled properly, but also because I like them for breakfast!)
Tapioca and a gluten free baking flour mix provide easily digested opportunities for conjuring your favorite baked goodies. Tapioca will make the batter lighter, while the flour blend will usually contain protein and fiber, making for a fabulous variation on traditional sweets. And, oh has vegan butter come a long way! This one in particular has a flavor just like the butter I grew up with, and is even shaped in the European block style. A coconut oil base provides beautifying lipids that plump skin, and feed your beauty from the inside out.
Coconut Ruled by the moon and water, coconut heightens your intuition and psychic abilities as it provides beauty fats for supple skin. Coconut sugar is a non-glycemic natural sweetener that provides vital minerals.
Vanilla This lusty Venusian vine is rich in copper to promote collagen and elastin production and has noted aphrodisiac powers.
Almond Soothing and nutritive, almond softens and heals skin with natural vitamin E, which has the ability to regenerate cells and repair damaged skin. It also carries the magic of healing energy.
Jasmine This lunar beauty is legendary for reducing fine lines and strengthening skin’s elasticity, jasmine also helps fade scars and hyperpigmentation. Her devilishly sexy scent and delicate flavor are also a potent aphrodisiacs.
Beauty Witch Secret: Add organic pansies as a finishing flourish for even more love magick, and a bright burst of Spring. These lovely little morsels are also filled with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Si agréable!
On the 20th, the solar rays shine in effervescent Gemini, promising a lighter, more playful atmosphere. Expect to feel more social (good heavens, don’t we all need it?) and engage in lots of spirited conversations, perhaps with someone new? You can certainly catch the eye of one who has a sparkle to match your own, and you will be absolutely craving wit, intellect, and more than a dash of flirting. Enjoy it!
Ahhh…as you savor those last, buttery crumbs, our dynamic friend Mars gallops forward into his home of Aries on May 24th, promising to turn up the heat! Again, there is an abundance of courage, energy, optimism, and full-blown power available to use. What are you trying to achieve? Mars will help you. In fact, he’ll give you quite the shove. Just watch out for the suddenly overwhelming desire to argue every last point, and with everyone possible. Remember that Mars only goes into battle when necessary – everything else is just ego.
A few days later, Venus, exhausted from her rendez-vous with Mars, saunters back home to Taurus, where she happily reclines on a bed of flowers, and plans nothing more than to tend to herself. This can be such a delightful vibration of soft, agreeable communication in the midst of Mercury’s retrograde, but also a time to enjoy the body. With a coquettish New Moon in Gemini approaching, there is no time like the present to worship at the temple of your own beauty and wellness, so I offer you a silken nectar for your entire body to prepare you for the season ahead: if you are in the northern hemisphere, get ready to bare your limbs! If you reside in the southern half of the world, use this to prepare you for chilly nights – with company, naturally.

Velours Nude
Body Oil
Conjures approximately
3.5 ounces
1 oz. sweet almond oil
2 oz. coconut oil
8 drops jasmine essential oil
6 drops nutmeg essential oil
As you continue to hold dear your intentions of the Full Moon, feel free to expand your visions to include new ideas and inspirations! Combine all ingredients in a 4 oz. glass bottle or jar, depending on the temperature – if it is cooler, the coconut oil will solidify and you will be well off using a jar. If it is warm, and the coconut oil is liquefied, use a bottle. Swirl the ingredients together to mingle beautifully, and use liberally all over, day or night.
Gathering with coconut, almond, and the Lady Jasmine, is a dash of nutmeg for a little Jupiter luck and fortune. The scent will balance beautifully, and add healing for wrinkle repair, eczema, and dryness.
Beauty Witch Secret: Heighten the sensual spellcasting by adding a rose quartz to the blend, for her healing energies and love vibration.
The New Moon appears on May 30 (7:30am EST) and brings with her the upbeat fizziness of Gemini, complete with a fresh energy for new ideas. This is a fortuitous time for socializing and lighthearted, giggly fun, but also one for setting forth with a new course of study. Whatever you’ve been interested in, wherever ideas come to light from the eclipses, and whomever you must talk with to get them going must be initiated now – it will be highly beneficial for you! The Moon is well aspected, so though earlier in the month was not brilliant for magick, now would be an excellent time to set intentions, and make the sacrifices necessary to get them underway.
And there we have May, mes amours! You will navigate through in sorceress style, I know it. Thank the bounty of Spring for making it all just a bit easier, no? Walks and cafés, gathering with friends, and simply being with nature will ground you and fortify. Every single time.
See you as the Sun shines!
Love and Stardust,