When October embraces us with her witchy wiles, can’t you just feel the excitement all around? Even when everything feels dour, and indeed dire, doesn’t that rush of sorcery in the air just rescue us, even for a moment? It does. And that brief moment, mes amis, becomes the catalyst for change. The season, the air and the Earth herself changes, and we are invited to join. I say that politely, but really, it is more of a demand than an invitation. You see, this stunningly beautiful month opens with our most dynamic Full Moon of the year: a call to action in Aries on October 1st (5:05pm EST) Not only does this lunation bring to fruition the plans you set forth in March when we had a New Moon in the sign of the Ram, but it heralds a complete re-setting, if you will, on both a personal and collective level. It requires us to do something to change the status quo. Though it is entirely understandable to feel everything in a big way right now, with emotions flittering between anger and sadness, and mental states weaving in and out of anxiety and depression, what won’t fly is inertia. The energy of complaining, helplessness, and resignation is not supported by the cosmos. What will be supported is the action of problem-solving, even in small ways. With the world basically operating at half-capacity, and likely way behind its usual pace, it is very possible that you have been waiting for someone or something outside of you to give the signal for change. And it has been more than a little trying, to say the least. (Trust me, I’m with you here. The idea of “waiting” on someone else is not something I would count amongst my skills.) But instead of allowing that to chisel away at your insides, use this remarkable cosmic opportunity to take charge. I would strongly suggest finding another area of life to focus on while you wait (ugh!) for whatever slow-poking is going on outside of your control. Don’t allow yourself to stagnate and wallow, and fear not – The Ram is by your side, empowering you with his innate leadership and strength. If you’ve put forth effort to create something in the last six months, and it isn’t quite there yet, know that you’ve put that particular cake in the oven already. Don’t forget about it, but don’t keep obsessively checking it either. Find a different path to solutions, and focus on that. And be honest: is there another area of life that needs your attention? Have you been so focused on The Big Thing that something else isn’t being seen?
The most remarkable aspect of this powerful Moon is one to remember: Aries rules the desire that actively seeks manifestation. So give your plans one last vital push now, then release it to the heavens.
Stirring the cauldron a bit more is messenger Mercury at odds with unpredictable Uranus – and Mercury goes retrograde this month, no less, from October 13-November 3. What does this mean for us? Taking into account the shadow period, expect the unexpected. Smart witches plan even more carefully now, with particular attention paid to clear communication. Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio, so emotions can be triggered, as well as areas of intimacy and precious privacy. If you feel your buttons being pushed, or simply need further explanation for something, keep your conveyance simple and direct. This way you take the emotions out of it – you don’t hurt anyone’s feelings, and you teach them how to explain their needs in the same fashion. What feels like a dirty little planetary trick being played on you can actually stimulate the brain, though! Use that energy while it is available.
The thing is, chéris, though you are being challenged, the cosmos actually do want to give you good things, that’s why they are guiding you, nudging, and even pushing when necessary. And throughout it all? We have the Sun in charming, harmonious Libra cloaking us in the delights of Venus. I say we lift the vibration to match, allowing goddess-blessed beauty to shine through even the muddiest of moments. I would never miss a chance to revel in Libra loveliness, and neither should you.

For this powerhouse Full Moon, I have concocted for you a double delight: a creamy potion whose sole purpose is to bring out your goddess glow! Aries rules the head and face, et voilà! – a vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant-loaded masque for the hair and scalp that also does wonders for the complexion. Lushly infused with abundant vitamin C, this potion softens fine lines, tones, brightens, and promotes shiny, healthy, thick hair. The star ingredient? Black currants, the delectable little berries that take their liquid form here, are phenomenal beautifiers both inside and out. Also rich in omega-3 and iron, they slow down signs of aging, fortify the hair and scalp, boost immunity, moisturize and repair skin, and improve brain function, with lusty, creative magick to spare.
Because of the timing here – the Full Moon occurring at just after 5pm, and her void-of -course the eve before until 10:47pm – I strongly suggest either holding your ritual late the night before, or get it in as close as possible to her fullness. This can be difficult if you are working standard hours, but, as with all recent Moons, it’s an important sacrifice to make if you can. Never forget, all spells must include sacrifice, and the most effective ones are indeed those where you push to do the thing that seems the hardest.

Cauldron of Charms
Hair/facial masque
Yields one treatment
½ ripe banana, mashed
1 -1/2 tablespoons pure black currant juice
1 teaspoon Abyssinian oil
3 drops cinnamon essential oil
This is a blissfully simple potion, but it does require a very ripe banana (lots of brown spots) because it needs to be so soft that it can be made into a smooth, creamy confection. In a bowl, mash the banana thoroughly with a mortar (you can use a potato masher or fork if you don’t have one) until it is completely smooth. Add in the black currant juice, and mix well clockwise with a spoon or small whisk. Next, stir in the Abyssinian oil, and lastly the cinnamon. As you concoct, feel and see your nearest and dearest Big Plans coming to fruition. Ask what you need to do to help it along. Ask to be shown how you can support that desire, even if you think you’ve done it all.
This recipe will conjure enough for one treatment for both areas, but do double the potion if you have very long, thick, or coarse hair. If you end up with extra, it will keep well refrigerated for three days.
For the hair: Massage into your scalp, then, keeping your vision strong, work the potion through the ends of your hair, paying special attention to dry tips. Pile hair loosely on top of your head, and place beneath a shower cap or turban. Leave the cap on for 20 minutes. Remove, and give your head another slow, sensual massage. Step into the shower, and wash with a gentle botanical shampoo. Rinse well. You can add a drop of your favorite natural conditioner here as a sealant and give a final rinse with cool water.
For the face: Apply a thin layer to a freshly cleansed face using fingertips or a makeup brush. Follow with a second layer, then allow the potion to rest for 15-20 minutes, while you take a few moments for yourself. Hold your wishes close as the masque works it’s magick! Remove gently with a warm, damp cloth, then follow with a thorough water rinse. Pat dry gently, and follow with your favorite serum or crème.
Banana With its magick of love and abundance, sweet banana also imparts rich moisturizing prowess to skin and hair, while keeping oiliness at bay. They make a superb base for all kinds of masques, and leave behind supple softness.
Abyssinian Oil Although not a common beauty oil, Abyssinian is nonetheless impressive. It rejuvenates and repairs skin, prevents and treats fine lines, and can even help to regenerate cells. For hair, it is an excellent detangler, as well as providing light but potent moisture, imparting shine, and creating a protective shield against heat damage.
Cinnamon Amorous cinnamon ignites the fires of both love and money, while cleansing and increasing circulation to both your skin and scalp. The increased blood flow brings life to the skin, for a glowing radiance; for hair, it stimulates new growth. Cinnamon also has anti-inflammatory properties which help keep skin clear.
Beauty Witch Secret: For an extra glow-boost, lightly exfoliate before using as a facial masque. A spoonful of besan (garbanzo) or rice flour will gently polish the skin, clearing away old cells to allow the masque to work even more magick!

Speaking of enchanted Libra, we have a charming New Moon in her sign on October 16th (3:31pm EST.) This will be an auspicious time for laying plans that bring forth beautifully balanced partnerships, both in in your career and personal life. Sound fabulous? Do take some time to focus, because you will need to be sharp when those opportunities arise in the next six months. They may not look exactly like you have pictured, but see them through. You could have a precious gem right in front of you – don’t dismiss it as a common old rock. At least, not unless it proves itself as such. Take some time now, too, to beautify. It would be highly beneficial to begin a new commitment to pruning your feathers, regardless of how much time you’re actually spending out in the world. And let that extend to your surroundings – a petite overhaul around the lair isn’t really ever a bad idea.
As the Sun makes his way into mysterious Scorpio on October 22nd, the sorcery heightens and the veil thins to what will become a wisp of gossamer at month’s end. Dark sensuality rules the day, becoming even more provocative as the hours pass. This vibration is with us for the next four weeks, so enjoy it. You know exactly what I mean. As Samhain approaches, don’t waste one precious drop of autumnal bewitchment! Oh, you will love this one: I have crafted a cocktail worthy of our New Year festivities, and all the deep, dusky delights it brings, just for you! It tastes like an evening with Monsieur Alucard, with a perfume subtly beckoning until you cannot help but succumb to its allure, all the while enhancing your own beauty.

Dark Rapture
Beauty Cocktail
Per serving
1 cup black currant juice
1 shot of dry gin
Juice of ¼ orange
Pinch of cinnamon
All you must do to savor this delightful sip is to take all the ingredients and combine them in a cocktail shaker. If you don’t have one, a bullet-style blender cup or a large mason jar will do just fine. Visualize your plans solidifying. Feel it. Now give it a good shake. Pour into a sexy vessel, and raise your glass to YOU! Your New Year, your new adventures, and your newly-acquired abundance!
Aiding and abetting our beauty duo of Black currant and cinnamon is solar-powered orange. This vibrant fruit brings more love to the potion, and a heady dose of vitality and vitamin C. And lastly, there is gin. Booze, yes, but the vintage appeal of this classic actually has a few beauty secrets of its own: made from juniper berries, gin is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, banishes bloat, and can improve digestion. As it is an acquired taste, you can substitute vodka of you prefer, but I think you’ll be missing out on an exquisite flavor pairing.
Beauty Witch Secret: Can you indulge in this luscious libation sans sprits? Of course! Try brewing a tea to suit your mood. A feisty chai? How about an enticingly scented lavender? Juniper, naturally, would also be a grand choice, and would also make the flavor close to the original. Just make it ahead and allow it to cool. See what interesting magickal combinations you can conjure!

But wait – what’s that in the sky? Ah, what you’ve heard is true! A Full Blue Moon does occur on October 31st (10:49am EST,) granting one of my favorite lunar gifts of any year – Taurus following Aries. I love the teaming of these two, because the strongest fire manifestations can then be solidified by unwavering stability. Now, of course, it does present one teeny catch: magick in the sign of the Bull is notoriously…unmovable. Only work with this energy if you are absolutely certain that what you want will be for the highest good, because it can be very difficult to change. And combined with Aries force of will, what you conjure can be out-of-this-world fantastic or a complete disaster. But I know you will make wise choices. And speaking of, take few extra measures to protect yourself energetically right now, particularly during ritual. It’s an easy time for uninvited guests to crash your party, so to speak. But for those already on your guest list, like ancestors and deities, be sure to make your offerings to them especially sumptuous on this hallowed eve.
I leave you here, my dearest readers, to dance beneath the moonlight! Clothing optional, love mandatory. And I give you mine. (Not the clothing, mignonettes. The wardrobe stays with me.)
Love and Stardust,
Xo Alise