Oct. 6 New Moon in Libra *Renewed relationships*
Oct. 7 Venus in Sagittarius *Lay it on the line*
Oct. 18 Mercury direct *Lines become uncrossed *
Oct. 20 Full Moon in Aries *Fire power, but watch the void!*
Oct. 30 Mars in Scorpio *Desire meets intensity *
Oct. 31 Samhain *The transition begins*
La Season de La Sorciére! Oui, loves, she has arrived, as always, to rustle the leaves that trace the hem of our cloaks, light the fire beneath our cauldrons, and set the sky alight with her sorcery! We enter the most magickal month of the year with a lust for all things vibrantly hued and intoxicatingly spiced, a collective ecstatic dance for this moment that is all too fleeting, and so very fabulous. This year, for obvious reasons, it feels as if we’re all especially eager to set fire to the previous year (as Samhain welcomes the transition for many of us) and embrace a new set of possibilities. Indeed, the desire for change – enlightened change, that is – has been accelerated, prompted by the not-so-coincidental events of the past several years. The impulse is to let it all just burn…and hurriedly walk away, lest the ashes of the past stick to us even for a second. But, it would be unwise to just turn and forget it all as if it never happened. Far, far better to carry with us the wisdom that can be gleaned from what we’ve witnessed, no?
As we enter October, the harmonious Libra sun heralds the changing season, heightening the Venusian vibration with her charms like a fragrant floral backdrop to everyday life. However, we do have a few details to be aware of: the planetary pitfalls of our dear friends Mars and Mercury. As you may recall, Mars moved into Libra last month, and here he remains until the very end of this month. While this can give a shove to artistic endeavors, and certainly keep you idle should you be contemplating something unwise, it takes on a new twist when Mercury decides to station retrograde, as he did at the tail end of September: if you’ve been trying to smooth over something that’s been brewing for a while – or ignore it completely – now is the time for it to potentially explode. The warrior planet can be very impulsive, and battles can rage seemingly out of nowhere. The thing is, Mars pushes buttons only when he has to, and with the intent of clearing the air. Whatever has been bubbling beneath the surface just needs to come up, you can trust that. With Libra center stage, keep a close watch on your personal relationships, and don’t let money matters go wandering, either. Whatever it is, better to bring it out into the open. The natural Libra tendency towards diplomacy and “keeping the peace” simply won’t do for Mars. And, really, it needs to be dealt with.

But what good fortune we have! Our delightful New Moon comes to us on October 6th (7:05am EST) with a soft, earthy fertility that invites us to plant a few bulbs that will emerge from the ground in Spring. This Moon is just exquisite for those close relationships I mentioned, particularly those that you may wish to reconnect with, or renew in some meaningful way. This is an excellent time to open up to amiable discussions, find where you can reach healthy compromises, and really see what makes you compatible in the first place. I really feel it – this Moon is an auspicious one for beginning anew with someone important to you, be it a great love, a friend, someone at work, or a family member.
Now, since we have Venus so kindly watching over us, I say we honor her with a petite beauty ritual, yes?
This mes cheris, is so divinely simple, you will want to indulge in this ritual every New-to-Full lunar cycle.
Gather these:
• Pink, white, or red rose petals
• 1 smooth rose quartz
• A glass bottle, cruet, or jar filled with equal parts rosehip and avocado oil
- Shower or bathe
- Light a candle
- Adorn yourself post-cleanse in beautiful robe, or naked except for your power jewelry
Now, slowly pour the oil potion into your hands, and begin to massage your entire body, from the tips of your toes all the way up to the top of your head, including your face and scalp. You may wish to skip the oil on your scalp if you are going out, but don’t even think of neglecting it! (Simply wash your hands before you get to your head.) Here’s where the magick lies: run the rose quartz over your smooth skin,
all along your face and body, tracing cosmic patterns in your soft flesh, feeling the love and beauty vibration deeply. Visualize beautiful harmony with a loved one. A new energy coming in. See it, feel it, be in it. When you’ve got it (you’ll know) release that energy into the heavens with your wishes. It is done.
Rose Quartz The classic stone of love and beauty has a certain energetic lightness that brings joy, as well as the bright, heart-opening love it inspires.
Rosehips contain a natural form of retinol, building new tissue and supporting firmness, along with vitamin C, which repairs and stimulates new collagen.
Avocado Rich, nutritive avocado oil deeply moisturizes with and cloaks your skin in the lush gifts of Venus.
Beauty Witch Secret: This is a simple, effective, fabulous ritual you can enjoy each waxing cycle, whenever you need to connect with Goddess vibrations. She will be right there for you!

Speaking of our Venus, she then immediately twirls into adventurous Sagittarius on October 7th, promising a broader array of interests, piqued by physical energy. Famously coquettish Venus becomes unusually to-the-point in love and money matters, and can even embolden us to be rather blunt. Use this big, bright fire to make a clear statement about what you really want.
Mid-month, our ami Mercury goes direct, so expect a communication you’ve been waiting on to suddenly come through. Confusing, seemingly contradictory information will also clear up, thankfully, so you can move forward. Finally.
This brings us to a potent Full Blood Moon in Aries on October 20th (10:57pm EST) which happens to be void-of-course. But don’t despair – you won’t lose all that marvelous power! Work your magick the night before, when Aries is at his strongest. This Moon is in line with the energy of transformation and karmic work, which coincides brilliantly with this time of year. It seems as though you may need that final big push to see something through, and you will most certainly be able to with all that Mars force! Whatever you’ve worked hard for, now can be a reality – I say celebrate! You deserve nothing less than a sexy, beautifying nibble to savor the sweetness of your efforts.

Délicieux Nectar
Beauty Bite
Conjures two servings
12 fresh figs, sliced in half lengthwise
1/2 cup raw coconut sugar
1/3 cup vegan butter
1/3-1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon vanilla Pinch of sea salt
In a small saucepan, melt the coconut sugar on a very low simmer. Mix with a spoon while the sugar melts, then add the butter and continue to mix, forming a paste. Add the coconut milk, a little at a time, to create a sauce, adding more as you like to a desired consistency. When it is completely melted and syrupy, remove from the flame, stirring in the spice, vanilla, and sea salt. Pour into a heat-safe jar while you slice and arrange the figs in a bowl. Drizzle the nectar atop the figs, and serve.
Mes amours, I want you to truly delight in such a sensual treat! Eaten with the fingers, there is just nothing like it – and so simple!
Fig Ruled by passionate fire and lucky Jupiter, this lusty fruit of creativity brings strength, abundance, and sex! Rich in beautifying vitamins, minerals, and fiber, they also contain Jing life force energy.
Coconut Lunar coconut embodies the magick of calling upon spirit and opening psychic awareness. It contains good fats, so vital to beauty. Raw coconut sugar is a low-glycemic, mineral-rich alternative to processed sugars.
Vanilla This gorgeous, lusty vine rich is in copper to promote collagen and elastin production, and has noted aphrodisiac powers.
Pumpkin pie spice and sea salt add fire, love, lust power, protection, and purification to your nibble…I’d say that’s quite a bit of sorcery in one little bite!
Beauty Witch Secret: Store the unused nectar (if you have any!) in the refrigerator, and happily spoon it into coffee, drizzle atop Autumn porridge, enjoy with all kinds of fruits, and even spread some on a baguette! It is absolutely decadent.
We end this most stunningly gorgeous month with red-hot Mars in a tryst with smoldering Scorpio, bringing forth a fiery passion combined with an intense desire to get what it wants. Mars strengthens the body, the spirit, and the will to accomplish pretty much anything, but often at any cost. Be wary, bébés, of extremes, and of finding yourself getting pulled – willingly – into drama. Best to channel this massive energy into a creative project, not a person or situation.
And then, at last, we have our beloved Samhain, signaling the transformation from old to new. As this fresh cycle is about to begin, consider all the ways those who have come before have paved the path for you: some by shining example and support to catapult you into the future, and others who have showed you exactly how not to be. Give thanks for all of them, and wish those who have departed your world – in whatever way they took their leave – a safe passage along their journey.
I wish you great joys, wild love, and full power ahead in this Witches New Year. And I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being with me each month here. Bisous à vous!
Love and Stardust,