September’s astro-beauty and wellness forecast is here! Venus is Direct! Moon magic, Virgo season, and, best of all…Fall has arrived! Spicy cosmic happenings, lunar vibes, and potion recipes are here for you…

Autumn is here, with a bold Venus, two important moons, and so much more! Tune in to your monthly cosmic beauty and wellness guide, with plant-powered bewitching recipes and sorceress secrets.

To order “The Beauty Witch’s Secrets: Recipes and Rituals For The Modern Goddess”

Signed copies, intuitive readings, classes, workshops, and eco-luxe skin and body care potions at

00:00 Intro
00:17 September Vibes
00:50 Virgo Season
02:28 Virgo Tarot
03:29 Venus Direct
05:22 Jupiter Retrograde
06:39 New Moon in Virgo
09:11 POTION: Autumn Glow
10:24 Mercury Direct
11:18 Sun Trine Uranus
11:30 Autumn Equinox/Libra Season
13:55 Full Moon in Aries
15:07 POTION: Ruby Leaves

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Alise Marie is the author of The Beauty Witch's Secrets: Recipes and Rituals For The The Modern Goddess, contributor at Enchanted Living, and creative director at The Beauty Witch®. Visit her at for eco-luxe potions, planetary readings, and seasonal offerings, and on Instagram @thebeautywitchofficial.