We have a message of Seasons Greetings and Yuletide Blessings from the Magickal Path School of Witchcraft, which we shared with you recently and which you might want to check out if you haven’t already…
To make your holiday season a little brighter and to spread a bit of joy, Fiona at The Magickal Path is offering the Supported Independent Study option of her WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 Comprehensive Year-And-A-Day Training & Coaching Program at a special holiday rate!

No matter which WAY OF THE WITCH option you choose, you will learn how to harness your personal and magickal power, cast spells like a seasoned magician, strengthen your spiritual connections, and craft your very own bespoke sabbat year. You will create a uniquely authentic and intuitive witchcraft practice that will empower you to create a life that you love and that reflects who you really are.
Plus, you get to work 1-1 with Fiona! Below is a sample of what the 600+ page grimoire you will be creating and working through looks like. All the lessons are beautifully laid out like a magazine spread!

There are 3 WAY OF THE WITCH options to choose from:
OPTION I: The Online 1-1 WAY OF THE WITCH Coaching Program; includes (13) 1-1 online coaching sessions with Fiona
OPTION II: The In-Person 1-1 WAY OF THE WITCH Coaching Program; includes (12) 120 minute 1-1 in-person classes at Fiona’s
OPTION III: The Supported Independent Study WAY OF THE WITCH Program; includes (2) 1-1 online coaching sessions
The Special HOLIDAY SALE Is On Option III Supported Independent Study WAY OF THE WITCH Program And Includes (2) 1-1 Online Coaching Sessions With Fiona…
Reg. $349 – 20% = $279, Save $70!
Payment Plans Available!
Sale Runs Now Through January 1, 2023, Midnight EST
Click here to get all the details about the programs and to sign up: https://themagickalpath.com/witchcraft-101!