Halo: Carbickova Crowns @carbickovacrowns Corset, skirt, and sleeves: The Raven’s Goddess @theravensgoddess Color toning: Infinite Tools and Only the Curious color presets

An Ode to Circe

Circe, the daughter of the Titan Helios and the ocean nymph Perse, is a goddess and enchantress in the ancient Greek mythical tradition who has a bad habit of turning her enemies into animals. She also is a master of potions and herbs.

The Making of a Hydrangea Witch

PHOTOGRAPHY BY SABRINA L. GREENE Photographer Sabrina L. Greene was driving by her local dentist’s office in Waynesville, North Carolina, late last summer when she...
Titania and Bottom by John Anster Fitzgerald Artepics / Alamy Stock Photo

A Captivating Fantasy Photo Shoot Inspired by Unicorns and Fairies

Titania and Bottom by John Anster Fitzgerald Artepics / Alamy Stock Photo This photo shoot was first inspired by a unicorn head. My mom was infatuated...

The Magic Within

Discover the power of magic within to find courage and overcome life's challenges. Join Aiysha Sinclair on her inspiring journey of self-discovery and growth, as she taps into her inner strength to navigate illness and embrace life's beauty. Experience her enchanted photo shoot, where she embodies her essence as a fantasy fairy, adorned with a crown of feathers and beads, embracing the elements and the divine. Explore Aiysha Sinclair's work and be inspired by her story of resilience and self-empowerment at aiyshansinclair.com and brownsugarfairies.com.
Model- Tatiana Pimentel @teepimentel Jewelry- Parrish Relics @parrish_relics

Homage To The Green Witch

PHOTOGRAPHY BY THE WITCHING HOUR PHOTOGRAPHY Follow Joy Marshall on Instagram @thewitchinghourphotography Photographer Joy Marshall, model (and wingmaker) Tatiana Pimentel, and jeweler artiste Jen Parrish-Hill of...

How to Pose in Gothic Architecture

Photography by GIORGIA DAPHNE When you vacation among the cathedrals and ruins of Europe or even spend the night in a stateside Victorian B&B, it...

Beneath the Witch’s Hat

Photography by Alassie It’s as essential—as elementary really—to the vintage witch as a broom or flowing skirts. No, even more so. Much more than pointy...

An Invocation to Witches

Photography: Val Gleason (@vallerina01) Models: Tiffany Megan (@the.seasonal.scottish.lass), Ginkgo Greene (@ginkgogreene), Haylie Hopkins (@hotmesshaylie) When searching for the right cover for this vintage witch issue, there...

Lost Lands Collection

Feature Image:  Model: Jackie Wyers Wardrobe and styling: Fiori Couture Hair and makeup: Jackie Wyers Best friends and photography and styling duo Jade Soto and Marianne Bell celebrate...

The Legacy of Black Fae Day

Photo by CoreElements Photography Without Black Fae Day (@blackfaedayofficial on Instagram), there would be no Enchanted Asian Day (@enchantedasianday on Instagram). It was the efforts...