The Illuminati Ball

Photography by MARK SHELBY PERRY Imagine if you will: You arrive from New York City, blindfolded, at a country manse on a wooded lake somewhere...

Ancient Cheesecakes with Bay, Elderberry, and Honeyed Figs

According to archaeologists, some of the very first cakes ever made were simple concoctions of soft goat cheese, honey, and sometimes a little bit...

Mini Gluten-Free Focaccia With Herbs, Grapes, and Pine Nuts

MINI GLUTEN-FREE FOCACCIA WITH HERBS, GRAPES, OLIVES, AND PINE NUTS While the ancient Romans certainly weren’t baking with xanthan gum and gluten-free flours, they...

The Decadence of Purple

Today you most often hear decadent as a mouthwatering adjective for a rich dessert or perhaps a holiday feast. It conjures up lavish, indulgent...

At Home: A Decadent Decor

When I think about decadence and decor, an image springs to mind of the Chelsea Hotel in its heyday. I remember the red velvet...

Winter Holiday: Croquembouche

RECIPE AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY DANIELLE PROHOM OLSON (A.K.A. GATHER VICTORIA)   What could be more decadent than a lofty spire of cream puffs magically held together...

An Abundant Display

In all my years as an event and wedding designer the one tool I consistently used in creating beauty and magic was to hold...

Keys to Abundant Living

Before I recognized the importance of my personal power and claimed it, there was a time when abundance to me meant designer clothes, expensive...

At Home: Seasonal Abundance

"And all at once, summer collapsed into fall,” said Oscar Wilde, and, as usual, he was right. The sudden transition from beachy splendor to...

Bottling Autumn

A one-year subscription in the US is $32, two years is $50.  To live in a world of everlasting Septembers and Octobers sounds enchanting, does...