Seductive Subversive Saucery
For the Victorians, witchcraft was a thing of both fantasy and all too real fact. As late as 1895, there was the terrifying case...
The Witch Behind the Witches
Feature Image: Major Andre’s Tree, from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1928), by Arthur Rackham
A confession is required before we begin. Although I spent...
A True Love Charm
Photography and text by
"I hope they’re home,” Eliza whispered to herself as she walked down the mountain’s well-worn path to the...
Q&A with John Keske of Deep Midnight Perfumes
Our friend John Keske, who now runs Deep Midnight Perfumes in the wake of his partner Cat Marx's passing (you can read our past interviews with...
Our Top Five Literary Witches
Writing a list of our top five witches is surprisingly hard, but not for the reasons you might assume. It’s not that we can’t...
Out of the Hatch
From Issue 59 - The Nautical Issue
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When it rained, you felt it from all sides. The persistent pitter-patter of droplets...
Ships of Flame
Flying Dutchman (20th century), English School
©Look and Learn:Bridgeman Images
From Issue 59 - The Nautical Issue
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My grandfather once saw the Phantom...
Your Lover, The Sea Monster
Feature Image:
Destruction of Leviathan (1865), by Gustave Doré
Article from the Summer 2022 Nautical Issue
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Maybe it’s the isolation. Maybe it’s the...
La Vie en Aquamarine
Photography by pleasant art
Article from the Mermaid Issue #59
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It feels like fate that Dame Darcy—equal parts mermaid and witch, a longtime...
The Constant Deep
Early morning. Sea mist still hovers over the water, and the bracken-covered dunes that furl out beneath my feet like a green carpet are...