Let us remind the world
How many shades of green there are
How, together, we look like life itself
How tender the dirt gets in spring

Let us burst open, one multitudinous bud
Unfurled by that internal pressure of petal
Ripe, yes, and soft
You will learn to inhale us

Let us punch up from the earth, a lava
Bright and abundant dreams of tomorrow
Flowing molten and free
Turning ignorance to ash

Let us act like we got some roots
Know that we are held deeply
Even as we dance towards the golden breast of the sun
life delectable again

Let us remind ourselves
That life moves ever towards life
This is the season of our nectar
Beloveds this is the season worth the sting

Originally published by YES! Media at yesmagazine.org. Read more about
writer, editor, activist, social justice facilitator, coach, speaker, and doula
adrienne maree brown at adriennemareebrown.net.


Enchanted Living is a quarterly print magazine that celebrates all things enchanted. 
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