We wanted to tell you about this brand-new Tarot for Kids deck by Theresa Reed aka The Tarot Lady (TheTarotLady.com!) who’s been a professional tarot reader for over 30 years and is the author of many many books about tarot and astrology not to mention the host of the educational podcast Tarot Bytes.

Below we ask Teresa some penetrating questions:
Can you tell us something about yourself?
A: I’m a classic Gemini with many interests. Tarot and astrology are my first loves but you’ll also find me practicing yoga, cooking up a storm, and reading all the books. In fact, I’m rarely without a tarot deck, book, or spatula in my hand! I’m also a music fanatic—there is always a soundtrack playing in the background in my home.
I grew up in the mighty fine state of Wisconsin in a rural area. I currently reside in Milwaukee with my husband and very handsome cat, Monkey.
What does the tarot mean to you, and how/why do you use it?
A: Tarot has been a helpful ally and constant companion on my life’s journey. It has guided me through the toughest times—and it never lets me down. I use it to explore potential outcomes, examine my motives, and to make decisions. It’s quite helpful if you’re indecisive like me! You can compare options and find the best route possible. The more I worked with tarot, the better my life became. It has never steered me wrong.
I also like to use tarot for introspection, creative brainstorming, manifestation work, and journaling. The uses are endless—and I’m sure with more time, I’ll find other ways to work with it.
Why tarot reading for kids?
A: Tarot helps kids learn to trust their own intuition. Simple as that. When children trust themselves, they become confident adults. Too often we underestimate how intelligent children are. They pick up on things and are pretty good judges of character. I think tarot strengthens those innate abilities—and that allows for better decision making.
Children are often fascinated by the cards too! Whenever I pull out my deck, kids are the first to line up and begin asking questions. They love the pictures and are pretty natural at interpreting what those images mean.
What inspired this deck and how did you approach it?
A: My publisher, Sounds True, asked me if I would be interested in creating a tarot deck for kids. This was an easy yes! I remember when I purchased my first deck (over 40 years ago!) and the only thing available in my neck o’ the woods was a Marseilles deck. I can assure you this was not an easy deck for young person to start their tarot journey! How I would have loved to have a deck like Tarot for Kids! I probably would have gotten the hang of it a lot quicker!
I wrote the book and Kailey Whitman created the beautiful art. There was some back and forth for awhile but it quickly took shape. Kailey seemed to intuit exactly what kids—and a tarot reader—might find appealing. She nailed it!
How do you find that kids respond to it?
A: I have been getting so many lovely notes and videos from parents with their kids thanking me for creating the deck. They love it! Some of these children have tarot readers for parents—now they have their very own deck! Other children are getting their first introduction to the cards—and I hope this deck inspires a life-long relationship like the one I have with tarot.
What do you hope that kids will take from the deck?
A: I hope children will realize how smart, brave, and intuitive they are. I want them to feel empowered! When we raise confident children, they grow up to be the ones who change the world. Imagine if more of us had the ability to trust ourselves at an early age. Wouldn’t that be something?
Were you introduced to magic/divination/tarot as a child?
A: I grew up in a household that valued intuition. My mother and grandmother were both psychic so dreams and intuition were respected. They also prayed to the Saints for various things—and would speak of miracles when those prayers were answered. So I always believed in intuition and magic.
But I didn’t get formally introduced to tarot until I had the good fortune of befriending a fellow oddball in high school. Her mother was an astrologer and once she did my chart, everything started to make sense in my life. Not long after that, I was searching for astrology book in a shop at the mall when I spied a tarot deck. I purchased that on a whim and it changed my life.
The theme of our autumn issue is abundance. Can you speak about that (and what makes you feel abundant)?
A: Abundance is the feeling of having more than enough. It allows you to be generous. There is nothing better than being able to give freely without worry. I adore giving—whether that be feeding my family through elaborate meals or sharing content and information with tarot and astrology curious folks.
And then, how do you stay enchanted in your own life?
A: My daily spiritual practices keep me connected to the Universe in a happy, healthy way. I’m also careful about what I consume. I keep the news to a minimum and I don’t allow negative people to take up space in my world. My boundaries are air tight, which allows me to feel safe in the world and able to create without interference.

Here are a few brief excerpts:
In a tarot reading, a good question leads to a clear answer. Avoid “should I” or “will I” questions, as well as questions that result in a yes or no answer. These types of questions are not empowering. They can make you feel like you don’t have a choice, but you always do. You create your best future and can change every situation, even ones that seem impossible. It all begins with making good decisions. Tarot can show you how to do that, provided you are ready and willing to do the work. Here are examples of ten great questions:
What do I need to know about this situation?
What is the best decision I can make right now?
Where is this going?
What is the most likely outcome if I choose _____________?
What’s the best way to _____________?
How can I help/support ______ at this time?
I have a great feeling about _____________. What do I need to know about my hunch?
What is the best way to improve my relationship with _____________?
What will be the results if I _____________?
How can I make the most out of this situation?
Use these examples as a guide, but feel free to create your own questions too. Remember, practice makes perfect—but you never have to be perfect! When you first begin working with tarot cards, you may feel shy or uncertain. You might be worried that you’ll make a mistake or give bad advice. Every person feels this way when they start. I know I did.
You might make some errors when you begin, but soon enough you’ll get the hang of it. Like learning to play the piano, consistent practice will help you gain speed and mastery. Don’t give up! Daily practice will have you acing tarot in no time.

Hope for the best.
When you see the Star, know that things are improving. Even if life has been hard as of late, a silver lining is close at hand. Soon, you’ll feel positive. A wish may be coming true. The Star could also mean that you’ll be getting recognition. You might be the center of attention for something you’ve done. You’re a star!
REVERSED: The Star reversed could mean that you’re having trouble feeling inspired. Maybe you’re bored or feeling meh. If you’re sad or depressed, it might be time to talk to someone.
QUESTION: When do you feel the most inspired?

You are at home.
The Ten of Cups indicates a happy home, loving family, or living in harmony with other people. Everyone is getting on well right now. Even if there have been problems, they’re getting resolved. There is peace at last. You are “at home” with yourself and the people around you. This card can also indicate a dream coming true. The future is so bright that you might need to wear shades!
REVERSED: When this card is reversed, it means that there may be problems at home. You might be fighting with a family member, or someone else might be arguing. A change to your home life could be happening soon. The Ten of Cups reversed can indicate a time when you feel like an alien in a group of people, even your family.
QUESTION: What does family mean to you?