And…we’ve made it through! Somehow, we have survived the hailstorm that was 2020, and now find ourselves thrust forth into a new calendar year – relieved, bewildered, and more than a bit unsettled. It’s as if we have ventured out of a dark cave after what seemed like one endless night, stretching our spines and looking around, squinting and blinking at the bright light of day that now feels entirely foreign to our eyes, bracing at the sensation of cold wind on our skin, flinching at the sounds that have somehow gotten louder. Have we, actually, stepped out of a capsule and onto another planet? Perhaps. As we looked at last months’ Great Conjunction, the promise of changing times became quite clear. The world is transforming in ways we cannot even see yet, though Mother Earth moves in her own time: slowly. Indeed, things will never quite be the same as life begins to open up again, though now, it will be glimpsed through an entirely new lens. This can be both exhilarating and jarring. The world is doing what it will, and you may feel that you are simply observing things you cannot control. But know this: you are holding the camera. The lens then becomes the one you choose.
Welcome, mes amours, to the next chapter.
And welcome to a new feature here every month: a petite at-a-glance reminder of important star dates to keep you on course all month long! Details and delightful potions follow, as always.
Jan 6 Mars enters Taurus *solidify your plans
Jan 8 Venus enters Capricorn * love and money get serious
Jan 13 New Moon in Capricorn *watch the void-of-course
Jan 28 Full Moon in Leo *stand apart and shine
Jan 30 Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius *thoughts and words cause confusion
As we enter January, leaving the flurry of Winter holidays – in whatever form they appeared this year – behind us, the usual exhale will also be accompanied by a high energy courtesy of our friend Mars, making his last grand gesture in his fiery home sign before moving into steadfast Taurus on January 6th. You may find the wistfulness that often appears in early January is replaced by a passionate desire to either initiate new things, or give a power boost to something already in the works. Coming to your side is the Sun in Capricorn, ambitious and strong. In these first few days of January, if you want something, make a move. Once Mars in is Taurus, your long-term goals can be beautifully solidified, but there is almost no energy available for getting something off the ground. Things progress surely, but slowly now – just be aware of the tendency towards immobility and stubbornness. Patience will rule the day, so use this opportunity early in the month to set something precious to you in motion, and then allow cosmic assistance to see it through.

CAPRICORN POWER CARD: The Devil Be wary of temptation. Chains that appear to bind you are easily shed – you are not stuck. Stay in gratitude for what you have. Card from the Rider-Waite deck.
Venus flutters in just behind Mars (fashionably late?) on January 8th to lounge about in Capricorn for just over one month, which is probably more than enough time where these two are concerned – they are simply not compatible. Of course Venus favors love and money, but also all things harmonic, artistic, and pleasurable. If you’ve caught her in one of her less-than-stellar moments, she can be seen as frivolous, superficial, and even downright lazy. Capricorn, on the other hand, is all focused ambition – highly disciplined, professional, and rather critical at his worst. She is the flittering Maiden to his stern authority figure, making for a slightly uncomfortable transit. Expect serious conversations regarding amour and abundance: perhaps you and your object of desire need a frank chat? Or you made need to take a stringent look at your finances, particularly if you have overspent recently. The best thing about these types of challenging transits is that they show us where we need to look, and nudge us to make needed changes.
In harmony with the solar and Venusian vibrations right now, January 13th brings us a New Moon in Capricorn at precisely 12:00 am (EST), however she turns void-of-course at 2:22am (EST) leaving a scant opportunity to work lunar magick in the sign of the Goat before arriving in Aquarius at 11:44am (EST.) You can choose your timing based on need, and, of course, your schedule. If you cannot realistically stay up, or get up, to embrace the Capricorn New Moon vibes then you can choose to work with Aquarian energies. Either way, I have conjured a potion that has a broader New Moon purpose: to set the tone for abundance whenever it is needed. Leaving the old calendar year behind has more significance than usual, so my offering to you is one of drawing forth all good things! I would highly recommend a cleansing salt bath on the evening of January 12th during the Dark Moon to focus on letting go of anything that may still be clinging to you from the old year. Frustration, sadness, anger…these things must be released in order to bring new energies in. Learn from it all, give thanks (yes, thanks) for the experience, and then let it fly away. A visual I love is to see all the negative energies coming off the body and into the bath, then as the water drains, see it being rebirthed as healing water and sent where it is most needed. If you have just a shower available, it works the same way, just a little faster.
For this potion, concoct at or near the New Moon (not during the void) with the power of drawing beautiful things to you: love, luck, good fortune, creativity, and protection around all of it. This one smells delightful everywhere, so use it with joy on the body (as a perfume or a pick-me-up), in the air around you, on clothing, upholstery, and surfaces – even on your altar! Just make sure to give it a good swirl before each use to mix the oils, and spray at a distance to avoid any staining to fabrics.

The Witch Beckons
Body and Atmosphere Mist
Conjures approximately 3oz.
2.5 ounces spring water
½ teaspoon dried apple peel (or chopped dried apple)
10 drops geranium essential oil
6 drops ylang ylang essential oil
6 drops ginger essential oil
Begin by pouring spring water into a beautiful glass bottle with a spray top. With the vision and feeling of drawing all that is wonderful straight to you, begin to add each ingredient, on at a time, to the bottle. Feel the magick being infused into the potion, and how positively it will affect you. Make a promise to facilitate this good fortune by doing what is needed on the physical plane to help it along. When you are done, give it a good clockwise swirl to mingle the riches, then ask that it be blessed by the heavens.
Apple The iconic apple was said to give perpetual youth to the gods, and were revered throughout the ancient world as offerings to beauty, love, and lust. Ruled by Venus, and sacred to Freya, they also are potent bringers of abundance, peace and good health.
Geranium A beloved witch’s protection flower, bright geranium brings love, creativity, and health.
Ylang Ylang Sweetly seductive ylang ylang is an aphrodisiac that heals and promotes youthful skin, eases anxiety, lifts the spirits, inspires love to the self and others, and helps to boost cognitive function.
Ginger This powerful root is known for its fire magick, protection, fortune, and ability to boost the immune system.
Beauty Witch Secret: Sunny citrine is a wise addition to your potion – it draws forth money, abundance, and, best of all, personal power. It’s light, happy vibration will keep you in good spirits with each uplifting spritz!

The end of the month brings us two notable cosmic events. The first is a vibrant, bold Full Wolf Moon in Leo on January 28th (2:16pm EST) bringing to fruition the plans you made back in August. Fire moons are so powerful for manifesting! The Lion, in particular, brings panache, you see, to everything he touches. Every action has that little extra flourish that makes it stand apart. Bask in that light, cheris, because you are worth it. Didn’t put Leo power into a plan last Summer? Not to worry. This would be a purrfect time to socialize via the phone (or better yet, a video chat – get dressed!), tackle a big project, do some serious online shopping, or even pitch a major creative idea.
In the spirit (pun intended) of celebrating all you have been through in the past year, and the fortitude it took to keep going, I give you a beauty cocktail infused with la puissance de lionne – raise your glass to your own courage, strength, and vitality, not to mention your creative flair. I say, don your sparkliest couture, shake your mane, and make a highly theatrical toast to yourself, and to all the glitter the future holds for you. To the brighter skies just ahead!

Orange Skies
Beauty Cocktail
Conjures two cocktails
1 cup spring water
6 fresh mint leaves
1/2 orange, peeled and sectioned
juice of 2 lemon wedges
shot of gin
First, brew the mint tea: bring one cup of water to high heat, shut off the flame, then transfer into a cup. Add the mint leaves, and allow to steep for 10 minutes. Strain, and allow to cool completely. When you are ready to celebrate, simply pour the tea into a blender, add the orange pieces and lemon, and blend until smooth – it will be a little creamy looking on top. Add the gin (if using), cap, and shake by hand. Pour into a sexy goblet, and enjoy. Santé! You can substitute juniper tea if you prefer to omit the spirits, or just sip as-is. It will be magickal and delicious either way…and more than a little bit feisty.
The citrus fruits are a well-balanced blend of both solar and lunar energies, making it an ideal afternoon libation also. Wild and fiery orange is ruled by the Sun, and though it possesses purification powers, it is actually known as a love stimulator. I say bring that love toward you, in every possible form. Lively lunar lemon brings love and happiness to the wise beholder, and with the abundance, healing, and protective prowess of mint joining the party, it appears you will be shining brightly!
BW Secret: Gin, with all its vintage charm, is derived from juniper berries, and was traditionally used as an herbal medicine. A protective plant, juniper offers stamina, good health and love.

The tail end of the month, mignonettes, brings the first Mercury retrograde of the year – from January 30-February 19th – marking the year ahead of the messenger planet retrograding in air signs. This one is in Aquarius, but the energy of all three will be similar: with focus on thought patters and communication, expect extra confusion in these areas. However, there is a great opportunity to change the way we interact with others, opening the door to taking more care in communicating, to be more thoughtful with words, and interrelate better within the larger community. This is a good thing! All retrogrades are a time to pause and reevaluate, with the best outcome being one of having learned something of value. Yes, they can be a pain, but it’s really just another cosmic opportunity to become an even wiser Witch.
Have a beautiful month, mes amours! Spring is getting closer…
Oh! And speaking of bright shiny new things, a Beauty Witch product launch is coming oh-so-soon! (Stay tuned here and on my Instagram account @thebeautywitchofficial for details, delights, and pre-orders!)