Nov 4 New Moon in Scorpio *Hold onto your hat!*
Nov 5 Mercury enters Scorpio *Digging for the truth*
Venus enters Capricorn *Responsibility takes over*
Nov 19 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse *Deal with it, now*
Nov 21 Sun in Sagittarius *Adventures are waiting!*
Nov 24 Mercury enters Sagittarius *Big picture, big ideas*
When you conjure the image of November in your mind’s eye, tell me, mes amours, what do you see? Jeweled autumn colors that threaten turning to gray? A deep chill which settles in like a cold mist rising up from the very ground you stand upon? The nothingness that precedes the magic of glittering white snowfall? Perhaps. But I like to view it, it all its Scorpion intensity, as a strange and beautiful velvet cloak, carefully selected by the cosmos, that embraces, shelters us from the cold, and is drawn up to reveal only our eyes to the onlooker: our sight. A penetrating, hypnotic stare – one that allows us to see what is hidden. Of course, that cloak keeps us warm, yes? And oh-so-chic.
It is no coincidence (is it ever?) that as the wheel of the years turns from fall to winter, we find ourselves squarely in the middle of a transition. It is true that each season hosts such a shift, but none quite as extreme as now. With Samhain vibes barely dissipated, and the metamorphosis of death into the beginnings of rebirth preeminent, it’s no wonder Plutonic energies coincide. These are indeed the dark months taking shape, settling in to show us the path to our insides, taking a lantern along to keep us illuminated as we venture deeper into the metaphoric cave.
But, please, do not fear or dread such things. This going inward is not only beneficial, it is necessary. For without it, there can be no new growth. The rebirth first requires the death, and so we arrive here, chéris, in the high tide of Scorpio season, which promises great secrets revealed to those that are willing to take the plunge.

This month showers us with star activity from the moment it appears! First, on November 4th (5:15pm EST) a very potent New Moon occurs in the sign of the Scorpion, with some major changes in store. All I can stress here, is a simple, but immense message: expect the unexpected. This is a no-hold-barred moment of change, of endings that give way to new beginnings, so prepare for a shift to come out of the blue! Uranus is tinkering here, so change can be on the inside (as in a decision you make, or a breakthrough you may have) or externally (say, a sudden change in job or home) and can either feel subtle or immense, depending on your natal chart. What’s gorgeous here is that the stars are supportive right now of new beginnings in a very uncluttered way. You can really, truly get started on something right now, even if all you do is take the first step or two. Remember that Scorpio is wholly unappreciative of the “quick fix,” or anything he deems superficial, so the way forward is by getting to the root of it, whatever it is. And prepare to let go. Just like the tree letting go of late-autumn leaves, what no longer has life force must fall away, so that new buds can form. This can feel tiring, mes amours, so do take time to rest and renew yourself every day, in any way you can. Take some time in the mornings to fortify your body and spirit, nab a little break throughout the day as you need it, and most certainly indulge in evening rituals that rejuvenate your beauty: get a little extra sleep in as often as possible, breathe, stretch, and treat your body from head to toe with luxe potions (take a little browse through the Beauty Witch archives for Fall delights to sip, savor and slather!)
For this Moon, specifically, I have concocted a madly simple facial masque to tickle your fancy for all things Autumn: a potent nectar designed by nature to reset your skin, and leave you glowing. Continuing the theme from last month’s column, lunar coconut is here to beautify us from the inside out, by both massaging into the skin and absorbing inside the body. Though the elixir of a tropical fruit, coconut nectar works so beautifully in Autumn because of its mineral-rich, low glycemic nature – literally feeding us vital nutrients, sparing the beauty-sapping refined sugar, and adding a dash of potent spiritual and psychic magick.

Nouvelle Vie
Facial Masque
Conjures 2-3 treatments
1 tablespoon raw coconut nectar
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
3 drops carrot seed oil
Pinch of ground cinnamon
With your New Moon messages clearly in your heart and in your head, gently blend together all the ingredients. Apply to a clean face by gently massaging in circular motions, then patting a bit more right onto skin. Let the masque rest on your skin while you lie back and continue to focus. After 10-20 minutes, rinse clean with warm water. Pat dry, and apply your beauty oils and crèmes as you like. Your skin will be clear, soft, hydrated and glowing. Now you’re ready for whatever comes!
Apple Cider Vinegar A gift of love and beauty straight from Venus, apple cider vinegar gently cleanses while balancing PH levels.
Carrot Seed Oil A natural sunscreen, carrot seed oil contains high levels of antioxidants and amps up circulation for a healthy glow. It effectively promotes cellular turnover for and skin renewal, making it an excellent addition to your “aging well” retinue. Carrots also contain love and lust vibrations.
Cinnamon Fire and Solar-ruled, this cleansing, stimulating, warming spice reduces inflammation, while infusing vital minerals (like age-defying copper!) and increasing circulation. More than a little love magick is in there, too.
Beauty Witch Secret: Though we think of carrot seed as a Spring ingredient- and, indeed, it is a great one! – it works beautifully this time of year. Ruled by Scorpio, its beauty powers of regeneration are well aligned with now.
We really don’t have a moment to spare after the New Moon, when communicative Mercury now joins Scorpio also, affecting the way we interact with everyone around us, but also with information. This is a time for digging deep, getting the real story, and discerning truth from outer displays of bravado or superiority. This means you will see it in others, but you must also be willing to notice these things in yourself. Scorpio plays his hand very close to the chest, letting little if anything be revealed, but can also be rather brooding, even argumentative and blunt. Remember that Mars is co-regent of Scorpio, and the traditional ruling planet, so be aware of the tendency toward aggressive communication – particularly if you are a fire sign (note to self!)
On the very same day, lovely Venus joins Capricorn, prompting a bit of a lull in love. Our goddess planet is soft and girly, and feels uncomfortable in the sign of the pragmatic Goat, where the day-to-day of amour tends toward the monotony of tasks, and the expectation that both people will uphold responsibilities and commitments. In terms of money, this is an excellent time to set some goals, and plan a strategy for success. The cosmos supports hard work and clear thoughts right now, so whatever you are focused on can really get done!
By November 19th, the energy is built up to burst forth during our Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus (3:57am EST) illuminating something that you need to deal with now. Whether it falls in the area of love or money, only you know, but certainly it has been simmering beneath the surface for a while. With a trine to Pluto, this lunation will help you in letting go of a pressure that’s been building, be it something outdated that you’ve been clinging to, or allowing the confidence needed to make something real out in the world. Now, do note, mes amis, that our moon will be void-of-course at the eclipse, so your work needs to be done the night before, when the Silver Lady is not only at her most potent, but solidly rooted in earthy Taurus. I will say that there is great potential here for environmental events, as well as a desire to control and confront, so please proceed with caution in all areas of your personal life, and be aware of the possibility for these things to play out on the world stage.
Since we want to conduct our energies the evening prior, let’s indulge à la Venus, yes? I say, work your magick, give it everything you’ve got, then celebrate with sensuality! With a Full Moon (and an eclipse, no less) you really want to avoid triggering negative emotions, so steering clear of dairy and sugar is absolutely a beauty must right now. The idea is to stay strong, powerful, and terrifically vibrant so you can put all that high-vibration into your plans, but also to stay light and sparkly. Well then, I have the purrfect beauty bite for you! It’s really almost too easy.

Silken Velvet
Beauty Bite
Per serving
½ cup unsweetened cashew yogurt
1 teaspoon raw coconut nectar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
¼ teaspoon clove
¼ cup raw, unsalted walnuts
This is a fantastic way to have a light breakfast, lunch, or ritual celebratory nibble that truly satisfies your senses without weighing heavy on your belly. Full of gorgeous texture, creamy sweetness, and a good kick of warming spice, this little dish is one you will personalize, adapt to the seasons, and enjoy over and over again. It packs well, too, for picnics and workdays. Add a banana or a gluten-free grain to the base for a little more fuel when you need it…and do get creative. It’s fun.
Spoon the coconut yogurt into a sexy bowl, drizzle the coconut nectar, add the vanilla and spices, and whisk it all together in a circular motion clockwise. When it is beautifully blended, pour it languidly atop sliced seasonal fruit, sprinkle with walnuts, and enjoy it with every spoonful. Try a little apple for love and beauty magick, pear for ageless beauty and abundance, and blackberries for lusty, creative conjuring!
Cashew This non-dairy delight provides solar vitality and a good dose of money magick. Full of rich, beneficial fats, cashews are happy for the heart and are loaded with beautifying minerals, including a high dose of skin-loving copper.
Vanilla This delightful vine wafts in sensually by way of Venus, heavy on the love and sexual magick. It’s heady aroma and flavor intoxicates, and its aphrodisiac powers are legendary. Vanilla is also rich in copper, which helps to promote collagen and elastin production. It soothes, protects from environmental stresses, and carries an enchanted scent.
Cinnamon This sweetly spiced Fall favorite brings forth love and money magick and potent healing, along with a heightened sense of psychic awareness.
Nutmeg Jupiter-ruled nutmeg is an excellent anti-inflammatory for skin that can have a reaction to the changing seasons. It is also highly valued for its ability to open up our psychic awareness.
Clove Decadently spicy, Jupiter-ruled clove oil kills bacteria and clarifies skin while conjuring love, money, and protection magick.
Walnuts These solar-powered Autumn darlings are filled with protection magick and a wealth of beauty benefits, including minerals, iron, folate, and calcium.
Beauty Witch Secret: Reserve a tiny bit of cashew yogurt mixture and set it aside. You’ll have a another fabulous facial this month, and why not? You are more than worth it.
Just after our Full Moon comes the Sun boldly emerging from the subconcious to embrace the outer world once again – by riding into Sagittarius at full speed! As I’ve mentioned many times, the stars have this delightful way of showing us constant balance, because really, humans need that constant reminder. The zodiac generously allows us to embrace a set of specific energies that are available for us to align with in a wise way, then gives us a rather opposite array within the next sign. This creates a balance between outer and inner work for us to focus on, and that is precisely what we have right now: as we transition from the lessons learned below the surface during Scorpio’s reign in the sky, we now have the wind at our backs for more external adventures. Just a few days later, Mercury also shines in the sign of The Archer, together creating an outgoing, more physically demonstrative vibe overall. Communication and thought become broader, and certainly optimistic. Now is more the time for big-picture ideas, but to hell with the details – they can form later. You can dream big now, and will likely be able to convince others of your vision. I would absolutely take this opportunity to jot it all down so you can fine-tune the specifics down the line. Beauty-wise, take a nod from robust Sagittarius here to tend to your physical body: get energized about fitness, but make it something you truly enjoy. Long, exploratory walks in the fresh air, swimming (indoor or outdoor, depending on your hemisphere) a fun and social dance class, or a more competitive group activity like joining a local sports team will energize you for the season ahead, and keep you fit. Strong bodies support not only strong minds, but give us power – and that is magick.
Ah, mes beautés, it is time for me to bid you adieu for now, but I shall see you soon, as seasons turn and stars align. May you have a blessed, bountiful, and bewitching month!