The soft fans of trees turn to technicolor
as if to remind us that time is fleeting.
Stirred by wind and wishes,
scented skies and jeweled earth
spark our passions once again

The divine beauty that is Autumn remains one of nature’s most treasured gifts, conjured of equal parts whimsy, wisdom, and thrill. Who can resist her charms? Spiced kisses that warm us, colors that can never cease to delight, and that ecstatic spell when dancing between the rush of outdoors and the sensuality of the hearth are equally satisfying. As the hedonistic folly of Summer begins to fade, the Season of The Witch captures the moment and takes the reins. Her sorcery captures our senses, too. Bring on the velvets, and pile them high!

As we polish our broomsticks in preparation, perhaps a few sands of Summer linger. Saturn, taskmaster extraordinaire, has been retrograde since late Spring, making procrastination not only too easy, but rather oddly enjoyable throughout the lazy months of hot Sun. But there is a definite stirring of the cosmic cauldron. Leo season last month sparked even the wooziest among us to get moving, and as we enter September, the precision-loving Virgo New Moon insist that we now apply ourselves to the details. This happens every year, mes amours, and it is yet another example of the wisdom of the skies: fire ignites, then earth solidifies. We have three chances throughout the seasons to work with this magnificent combination – this is our second of the year. With the energy of Fall naturally sparking our movement and creativity, getting things done right now is as pleasurable as it is necessary. You will find that not only to you have universal support, but the ease knowing what is meant to be.

Virgo energy dominates this month, and with it an inherent seriousness, an understanding to get back to work after lolling about for months. It is the harvest season, after all, and there is much to be done! Brilliantly, the nose-to-the-grindstone vibe that the virgin brings is also accompanied by her Earth Mother loveliness, making the task at hand really quite enjoyable – think “getting it done” as the cool breeze wafts through your windows, a cauldron of soup gently simmering on the stove, pumpkin spice candles blazing! (Just watch those mad flames, the last thing we need are drapes catching fire. See? Virgo in the air makes a sensible creature out of even I.)

VIRGO POWER CARD: The Hermit Your goals are reached through personal reflection. Wisdom gained in solitude is to be shared. Dismiss distractions and focus on carrying out your plans.

All this efficiency leads us to the bright bauble that is the Full Harvest Moon on September 14th (12:33am EST.) Once again, our Lady is void-of-course, so work your magick the night before, when her dreamy Piscean power as its peak. This Moon brings a sweet, swooshy, intuitive beauty to the month, adding a touch of soft femininity to the air, just in case things are getting too rigid. Of course, with water comes potential waterworks, so be prepared should emotions overflow onto your otherwise recently-tidied surfaces. Saturn is about to turn direct in just a few days, so his ever-insistent shadow will demand that you remain focused.

Tap into your highest wisdom under the light of la lune with a crystal-infused potion you are going to love: an aromatic harvest blend of Witches herbs, succulent Fall spices, and elemental magic to sharpen your psychic prowess while keeping you balanced between productive and creative, earth and water, and the light and dark of the changing season.

Jewels of Autumn
Magic Oil
Per ounce

1 oz. pumpkin seed oil
3 whole cloves
1 stick cinnamon
2 small sage leaves
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
¼ teaspoon amber resin
6 drops cedarwood essential oil
1 drop peppermint essential oil
1 small tiger eye stone

Pumpkin Seed Oil Lunar-ruled pumpkin is abundant with nutrients and healing magic. It promotes cellular renewal, increases collagen production, lightens hyperpigmentation, and deeply nourishes skin. It also brings forth abundance.

Clove Fiery clove hides antibacterial properties beneath its spicy, seductive scent, and bears the not-so-hidden magic of love, abundance, and protection.

Cinnamon A potent aphrodisiac, cinnamon boosts blood flow and circulation for renewed, glowing skin. This deliciously scented spice also increases riches in all forms, and sharpens intuitive visions.

Sage This quintessentially autumnal herb is a bringer of longevity and good health, with powerful anti-aging benefits.

Nutmeg Fiery, Jupiter-ruled nutmeg is an excellent anti-inflammatory for skin that can have a reaction to the changing seasons. It is also highly valued for its ability to open up our psychic awareness.

 Amber Sacred to Freya, heavenly-scented amber has a cleansing effect on the blood, boosting circulation which carries oxygen and nutrients to the skin. It also strengthens tissue, to keep skin smooth, firm, and youthful.

Cedar Solar-powered cedar transports you to the enchanted forest with its woodsy scent and protective, grounding energy.  A tree of purification, it also holds healing and money magic.

Peppermint Sexy peppermint adds a dash of cooling, healing, and purifying energy to your potion, with a stimulating power that freshens skin and lifts your mood.

Though I like to concoct oils on the New Moon, this one will benefit from being super-charged by the first Full Moon of Autumn, its magick increasing throughout Fall along with an ever-deepening scent. Simply fill the bottle ¾ full with pumpkin seed oil, then drop in the clove, cinnamon, sage, nutmeg and amber. Remember to always add your ingredients one at a time, connecting with their energies. Then drop in the cedarwood and peppermint oils. Give the potion a swirl with your power hand (the one you write with) to mingle the ingredients. Drop in the tiger eye, give it one more swirl, and whisper your wishes into your creation. Cap it tightly, then place it in a moonlit window – or outdoors if possible – and let it drink in the Full Moon power overnight. This recipe makes enough for one small, toteable bottle, but do make it in larger batches – you’ll have forest fae energy around you all season long! I love this as a perfume and a body oil (layered scents are the most alluring) but also as a ritual oil for anointing. While you’re at it, treat your Lair to its charms by adding a few drops to a diffuser: the pleasures of Fall will be blissfully inescapable!

Beauty Witch Secret: Adding a tiger eye stone to the potion bottle infuses it with creative, intuitive, energizing, and protective vibrations. One of my personal favorites, tiger eye has an amazing ability to allow a deeper insight into a situation, and give you the strength needed to work with it.

While we’re on the subject of balance, the Full Moon unrolls the carpet to reveal the delightful Witches sabbat of Mabon on September 23rd. Like a sultry Cleopatra appearing from the woven threads, the Autumnal Equinox bewitches like no other. Lush and magnetic, the second of the harvest festivals marks the official beginning of Fall, the point of balance between daylight and darkness, and the Witches Thanksgiving. It is the time for celebrating the harvest and home with gratitude, sharing our good fortune with others, and setting a bit aside for the coming Winter. Traditionally this was, of course, about storing food for the barren months ahead, but I see it as reserving some of the potent energy you’re filled with right now, tucking away some creativity for later, so that you might draw upon it when you feel uninspired. Try making a little treasure box for yourself: fill it with ideas for projects, and maybe some of the things you will need to create them with, along with a few enchanted magical helpers, and hide it away. One day, when it’s cold and dreary, and you’re looking for a lift…et voila!  A little spellbound stashbox awaits!

But for now, witchy vibes are everywhere, gathering momentum. Raise your goblet to the sheer electricity of the season with a bewitching brew I’ve conjured for my dearest Beasties who meet me here each month – I am most thankful for all of you! This one has that beloved piquant-sweet vibe we all love this time of year, infused with immune boosters and warming spice to keep our insides cozy and strong as the air begins to chill. Juicy, sensual raspberries add an unexpected flavor pop to the classics, but the overall sip is pure, beloved Autumn.

Ruby Leaves
Per serving

1 cup spring water
1 teaspoon elder berries
3 cardamom pods, slightly crushed
1 cinnamon stick
½ red apple (cider-y varieties work best, like Pink Lady or Honeycrisp)
¼ cup raspberries

Heat the water on the stove, but do not let it boil. Turn off the flame, and drop in, one at a time, the elder berries, cardamom, and cinnamon. Let the brew steep for 5 minutes while you chop the apples. When it’s ready, strain the hot liquid into a high-speed blender, add apples and raspberries, and give it a whirl until its completely smooth. Add a touch of stevia or coconut nectar if you desire. As you concoct, and as you sip, hold the magick of Autumn in your heart, give thanks for the abundant harvest, and vow to share that joy with everyone you meet. This is our season!

In addition to lusty cinnamon, we are blessed with several other plant magicians, eager to join us in our beauty conjuring: 

Elder Berry Venusian elder berries are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C to banish illness – it’s no wonder they have potent healing and protection magic! Additionally, they help to promote restful sleep and bring forth abundance. 

Cardamom is an ancient beautifying spice containing vitamin C, calcium, and antioxidants which keep you feeling frisky while making your skin radiant from the inside out. It is also known to boost your sex life and draw money near. 

Apple Sacred to Aphrodite and Freya, apples are natures offering of love, beauty, and passion. Loaded with antioxidants, dietary fiber, and phytonutrients, they are supreme beauty foods.

Raspberry Loaded with antioxidants and vitamins C & E, raspberries prevent the destruction of skin cells, ward off premature aging, and help to maintain water balance in skin. Ruled by Venus and water, they bring forth happiness, love, and protection.

Beauty Witch Secret:  The spirits of Witches were believed to reside within the elder tree. Yet another reason to connect with these wise forest friends!

As we positively soar through the month, gaining more enthusiasm with each pumpkin-spiced encounter, a beautiful Libra New Moon awaits. On September 28 (2:26pm EST) she is present, providing a fertile ground for harmonious, peaceful new beginnings. This an excellent Moon for partnerships, both in business and romance, though you must be careful to retain your own identity within them. Libra tends to concede for the sake of not upsetting the apple cart so be aware of keeping your own needs in balance with your desire to please others. Ruled by Venus, Libra season brings along a natural reverence for beauty and love, making it an auspicious time for feathering your nest, socializing, and, of course, potion making! Make a promise upon this Moon to take exquisite care of every inch of fabulous you, inside and out. The new Fall issue of Enchanted Living will be on the stands this month, and it features a glamour ritual for you to try, purrfectly timed to the Libra Moon – a gift from my altar to yours.

Have the most beautiful, magical month, my Dearest Ones!

Love and Stardust,

Xo Alise

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Alise Marie is the author of The Beauty Witch's Secrets: Recipes and Rituals For The The Modern Goddess, contributor at Enchanted Living, and creative director at The Beauty Witch®. Visit her at for eco-luxe potions, planetary readings, and seasonal offerings, and on Instagram @thebeautywitchofficial.


  1. Yaas, I am so ready for the Saturn kick! I look forward to the Jewels of Autumn helping to keep me balanced, and Ruby Leaves sounds like an excellent after work wind-down brew. Thanks for the witchy insight to keep us on track this month, Alise!

    • Yes! It’s really in the air now. You will love Jewels of Autumn – definitely make a larger batch to last throughout Fall, and try it in your bath too! Mmm…yes, it would be a fantastic after-work sip. It’s good to change the energy once you get home. Thank you so for being here XOXOXO Alise

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