SEPT 6 | New Moon in Virgo | *A better you*
SEPT 10 | Venus in Scorpio | *Is it steamy in here?*
SEPT 14 | Mars in Libra | *Every action gets weighed*
SEPT 20 | Full Moon in Pisces | *Use your imagination*
SEPT 22 | Fall Equinox | *Celebrate Autumn*
SEPT 27 | Mercury Retrograde | *Review love and money*
September arrives as a beautiful, bountiful balancing act, with the sybaritic pleasures of Summer still upon our lips as the rustle of Fall tickles our spines with devilish impatience. We moan for cool air that accompanies the ubiquitous Pumpkin Spice Season, while still trying to get those last beach days in, yes? Be honest, my Witches. Yes, yes, our time is calling, but I don’t buy that you’re not going to miss all the outdoor dining, the impossibly fresh produce, and the sultry moonlit evenings. So, enjoy them while they last – this month promises many gifts!
Let’s begin with the Virgo vibes that are center stage right now. It is no coincidence that we are headed back to work and school after Summer holidays (la rentrée) as The Virgin requires us all to return to the desk, so to speak, and get serious once more. This was never easy as children, and it’s no better now really. Remember getting all dressed in your new Fall clothes and marching off to school, only to get overheated and cranky because it was still warm out, and all you wanted to do was play? It still kind of feels that way. It’s as though we are being torn between an old life and a new one. And, cosmically, we are. The stars of late have truly asked us to do just that, and in the process have given so many of us a serious jolt. With the wheel of the year turning faster than ever, embracing change is honestly the only way to go. Fortunately we have some celestial brilliance overseeing things, the first of which arrives on September 6th ( 8:52pm EST) in the form of a helpful New Moon in Virgo. With Mercury as a ruling planet, Virgo demonstrates the organizational aspects of the messenger, and doesn’t miss a single detail. This energy, is, of course, extremely welcome during all the logistical madness this time of year can bring. Further stirring the cauldron is impatient Mars, still in Virgo, which assures a restlessness that feeds the need to be busy. The great thing is, if you can get your world truly in order right now, it will carry you far, and create the framework for the next chapter. This is the best Moon of the year for tackling these tasks, and bringing in not only a new set of management skills, but also a much higher vibration to your health and wellness routine. If you haven’t bounced back fully from pandemic-fueled bad habits (put down that bag of chips!) now is the time, mignonettes – you have infinite support from the cosmos! This is truly a most auspicious occasion to build a better you in every way– I would not waste it.

How about starting with kitten steps? A petite beauty ritual that will help you to refocus on your well-being, and is so absurdly simple you simply cannot find an excuse. You will have to order a chic new ingredient – after all, it is a New Moon! – but it will be a fabulous addition to your beauty witchery, and I’ve listed resources below.
The star of this month is, not surprising, that icon of beauty known as Apple. This Autumn classic is sacred to Freya and Venus and abundant with the magick of love, health, and peace. These juicy ladies provide vitamins A, B, and C, UV protection, help rebuild cells, reduce wrinkles, and keep you vibrant from head to toe. Apple’s consort this month is solar-powered Walnut, filled with protection magick and a wealth of beauty benefits, including minerals, iron, folate, and calcium.

Masque à la Pomme
Facial Treatment
Conjures 2-4 treatments
2 teaspoons organic unsweetened applesauce
1 teaspoon walnut flour
1 teaspoon apple powder
This is it, mes amours: three ingredients mixed together in a bowl. That’s all. How’s that for Virgo-themed efficiency? As you concoct, hold the image of you in total control of your life, clearly. You’ve got it, and you are moving forward in a fantastic way, one that supports all your dreams and desires. And, you’ve got the confidence to go with it, because you are taking unbelievably good care of yourself! Feel it? Good! Apply the masque to clean skin, massaging in circular motions to clear away old skin cells, and old energy. Let the masque rest for 15-30 minutes while you relax (continue the visuals and feelings) then remove gently with a facial cloth that has been soaked with warm water. Rinse well, pat dry, then apply your favorite beauty serum or crème. Your skin will be refreshed, revitalized, hydrated, glowing, and ready to take on the world – your new one.
Beauty Witch Secret: Add a squeeze of lemon to your masque for extra brightening and toning, with a dash of love and happiness.
Now, with all that fresh energy circling, we get a rather sultry gift from the stars on September 10th, when Venus moves into steamy Scorpio. Expect intense encounters of the libidinous kind, and an intimacy to your love life that feels like each moment is a clandestine tryst, even if you’ve known each other for ages. If amour has gotten a bit lackluster, now is the time to initiate something gorgeously erotic. This energy will bring sensuality into the mix this month, balancing all the organizational ho-hum.
Mars then moves into Libra on September 14th, which makes for an interesting cosmic chasm. These are opposing signs: Action man Mars wants to get things of the ground, get moving, and abhors being held back, while contemplative Libra wants to weigh every decision, no matter how tedious this may seem to Mars. So what you have is virile energy that is forced to remain still until every aspect is carefully weighed. This can be a good thing, when caution is needed, but can cause major frustration where momentum suddenly becomes stalled. The bright energy here is where action meets beauty and artistry – this is where Mars will push through any passivity right now, for the greater good. Keep that in mind as you create.
You’ve been waiting oh so patiently, chéris, and I have the most sensual conjuring for you! The Full Harvest Moon arrives in Pisces on September 20th (7:55pm EST), just two days before the official beginning of…FALL!!! I know! She’s finally here! And though we will miss sizzling Summer sexiness, the embrace of Autumn is one that thrills every single time. This Moon will bring to fruition something you conjured back in March, when the New Moon graced us with Piscean plans – something artistic, dreamy, intuitive, and altogether gorgeous! What was it? I will share a secret: mine was a line of eco-luxe beauty potions, and, yes, it will be available at this Full Moon. (Keep an eye out on my social media for details, but that’s all I will say, because this space is for and about you.) If you didn’t put something into motion already, now would be an excellent time to use your most expansive imagination to bring something forth. Compassion and empathy are major themes right now, so they will be in harmony with what you create. How stunning is that? The Moon goes void-of-course exactly at 7:55pm, so work your magick the night before, when she will be most powerful. Sunday night magick…I love it.
With celebration in the air, we arrive at Mabon, the Autumnal Equinox, on September 22nd, and only the most succulent of nibbles will do for the Witch’s feast of the senses. With this in mind, I offer you my beautified version of the classic Pommes au Four, sans skin-and-energy-sapping ingredients, and laced with sorcery befitting the iconic apple. This dish is simple, light, entirely decadent, and fills your lair with the spiced scents of Fall.

Pommes au Four
Beauty Bite
Serves two.
2 small organic baking apples (Cortlandt, Rome)
1 tablespoon walnuts, finely chopped
1 teaspoon vegan butter
1 teaspoon raw coconut sugar
½ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon cardamom
Preheat your oven to 375 F. First, core the apples (if you don’t have an apple corer, you can use a small knife.) Carefully remove the core from the top of the apple at the stem, working in a conical shape. Make sure you remove the seeds! Place them in a baking dish, then add just enough water to cover the bottom of the dish (about two tablespoons) but no more. This helps to steam the apples and avoid any burning on the bottom. In a separate small bowl, combine the walnuts, butter, coconut sugar, and spices. Mix well to coat. With a small spoon, fill each apple with the mixture. Bake 30-40 minutes, or until fork tender. Serve warm. The apples should be soft, but not mushy, and still slightly crisp – this will give them a sublime texture.
*Note: I couldn’t get organic baking apples as early in the season as I needed to write and shoot this, so I used small Gala apples, and they were fantastic!
Joining apple and walnut are delightful friends! Cinnamon and cardamom bring forth love, lust, protection and money magick, along with a heightened sense of psychic awareness. They provide antioxidant riches, anti-inflammatory and disease-fighting compounds, and conquer infection while helping to ensure good digestion (the root of wellness and beauty.) Raw coconut sugar is an unrefined, natural, low glycemic sugar rich in beauty minerals and lunar magick.
Beauty Witch Secret: As with all things intended for dessert, I actually prefer these leftover and warmed in the oven for a romantic, sexy breakfast. They keep well for several days refrigerated, so you can multiply the recipe and make them ahead for celebrating Muggles holidays, too. Your relatives will never know the magick inside them, but they will surely reap the rewards.
The month ends with Mercury retrograding in Libra on September 27th, requiring a look into all things Venus-ruled. Take extra precautions everywhere, as always, my Smart Witches, but pay attention to the areas of love relationships and money. Use this time for reassessing budgets, spending, your job, and your love life. You can come out of this transit with a much better understanding of what works for you, and what doesn’t, and what needs to be addressed moving forward. It’s also quite a nice time for a romantic renewal!
And with that, I wish you most glorious September, bébés! See you in October, when we prepare to bewitch!
Love and Stardust,
Xo Alise
Z Natural Foods Organic Apple Powder
Myoko’s European Style Cultured Vegan Butter