Botanical Beauty

For centuries, wise women have hand-plucked flowers, foraged for herbs, wild-craft ed with plants, and pulverized nuts and seeds to extract fragrant essences and...
Diana and Her Nymphs Bathing (1778-87), by Angelica Kauffmann. Wikimedia Commons

The Sorceress’s Sanctuary

Featured Image: Diana and Her Nymphs Bathing (1778-87), by Angelica Kauffmann. Wikimedia Commo Is there anything more glorious than a bath? It’s sheer delight that...
Alise Marie The Beauty Witch, Wellness and Beauty for February

Astro Beauty and Wellness Forecast | The Beauty Witch: FEBRUARY

We think of February as a dreary, rather dull month, and yet, there are the very first signs of new life! We celebrate the sabbat of Imbolc, Aquarian energies, a New Moon to be managed, Mars and Venus in their usual tango, a twist from Juno, an efficacious Full Moon, a Lunar New Year...and, of course, Venus' Day, all swirling with glorious potions and Beauty Witch wisdom.

Winter Beauty Magic

As winter settles into our bones and spirits, Beauty Witch Alise Marie reveals the transformative power of beauty rituals. Amidst the cold, discover the warmth of self-connection and the magic within potent beauty potions. Let the enchantment of vanilla, pomegranate, cardamom, cinnamon, walnuts, avocado oil, and maple bring forth your vibrant, protected, and luminous essence.
Alise Maire Beauty Witch January 2024

The Beauty Witch: JANUARY

Welcome to the new calendar year! Your January Astro Beauty and wellness forecast is here! We open the gilded gates of the new year with a...
Alise Marie, The Beauty Witch | Beauty, Skincare, Zodiac | Enchanted Living Magazine

The Beauty Witch: DECEMBER

Yuletide Blessings! December’s astro-beauty and wellness forecast is here, and excitement is in the air: lunar intrigue, Venusian delights, and Jupiter's good fortune make...

Falling Into Beauty

Embrace the enchantment of autumn with our beauty sorcery featuring persimmon, cranberry, mugwort, and hawthorn. Dive into a spellbinding blend crafted for skin renewal, fortification, and protection. Discover the magic in our potions and beauty rituals, a sensory celebration of the witch's season
Three Women and Three Wolves (1900), by Eugène Grasset

Soul Flight

Unlock the secrets of Witches' Flying Ointment 🌙✨ Dive into ancient herbal magic, soul exploration, and DIY mysticism. Discover the power of cottonwood, mugwort, yarrow, and calendula in this enchanting journey. 🧙‍♀️🌿 #Witchcraft #HerbalMagic #SoulFlight #DIYMagic

The Beauty Witch: Novemeber

Your November stars shine! The Beauty Witch forecast tells secrets of the season, with potent lunations, Saturn having a go, Scorpio's dark delights, and...

The Beauty Witch: OCTOBER

'Tis The Seaon of The Witch! October’s astro-beauty and wellness forecast is here, and it's a gorgeous month: Moon magic, Libra loveliness, Scorpio smoulder...and, Eclipse...