The Beauty Witch: MARCH

The restless winds of early Spring torn between adventures that await rising from the fertile belly of the earth and the fervent desire to melt back beneath the...

The Beauty Witch: MAY

The famously sweet, verdant fragrance that is May greets us at the very moment we have gone beyond the point of stir-crazy. This year,...
The Beauty Witch January Alise Marie

The Beauty Witch: JANUARY

With a new calendar year comes the sense of expectation, as endless possibility mingles with more than its share of butterflies. Even though the...

The Beauty Witch: JULY

As July opens her wings, her heart and belly are revealed in a proud display of the electricity-charged embrace between Mars and Venus. We...

The Beauty Witch: JULY

With a feline stretch, July awakens from the dream of last month’s Cancer New Moon still fresh in our minds. Our minds are filled...
Roseé du Matin Facial Serum and Pétale Tonique Elixir

Beauté Florale

In the dream of a woman as a flower, she is nestled deep within. Embraced by silken petals she sleeps infused with scent, cloaked in the...
Enchanted Living Magazine | Gothic Issue | Fashion

Marriage and Mourning in White and Black (and Eventually Red)

Photography by ROYA DIAR Model: Mahafsoun Cape: Costurero Real Back up a bit (again). We’ve returned to the Middle Ages, and black underwear does not exist yet. Olde-tyme...

The Beauty Witch: DECEMBER

The wild dance that sweeps us off our feet and into a whirling wind of stars must then deliver us, gently, back to earth. Is it already that time, mes...

The Magic of Natural Beauty

This is a love story. Perhaps you’re familiar with it: It is one that has inspired for centuries and continues to thrive despite obstacles,...

The Beauty Witch: Novemeber

Your November stars shine! The Beauty Witch forecast tells secrets of the season, with potent lunations, Saturn having a go, Scorpio's dark delights, and...