Alise Marie, The Beauty Witch | Beauty, Skincare, Zodiac | Enchanted Living Magazine

The Beauty Witch: DECEMBER

Yuletide Blessings! December’s astro-beauty and wellness forecast is here, and excitement is in the air: lunar intrigue, Venusian delights, and Jupiter's good fortune make...

Falling Into Beauty

Embrace the enchantment of autumn with our beauty sorcery featuring persimmon, cranberry, mugwort, and hawthorn. Dive into a spellbinding blend crafted for skin renewal, fortification, and protection. Discover the magic in our potions and beauty rituals, a sensory celebration of the witch's season

The Beauty Witch: Novemeber

Your November stars shine! The Beauty Witch forecast tells secrets of the season, with potent lunations, Saturn having a go, Scorpio's dark delights, and...

The Beauty Witch: OCTOBER

'Tis The Seaon of The Witch! October’s astro-beauty and wellness forecast is here, and it's a gorgeous month: Moon magic, Libra loveliness, Scorpio smoulder...and, Eclipse...

The Beauty Witch: SEPTEMBER

September's astro-beauty and wellness forecast is here! Venus is Direct! Moon magic, Virgo season, and, best of all...Fall has arrived! Spicy cosmic happenings, lunar...

Spellbinding Summer Skincare

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” —Henry James Summer may not be the...

The Beauty Witch: AUGUST

August's astro-beauty and wellness forecast is here! Retrogrades, Moons, the North many juicy cosmic happenings, lunar vibes, and potion recipes to enjoy! August begins...

The Sea Hag

The sea hag for me embodies all the earth’s elements, unified into a beautiful whole. She has ocean water in her veins, sandy beaches...

The Beauty Witch: JULY

Welcome to the The Beauty Witch forecast for July! This month is filled with stardust as we welcome potent lunations entwined with Cancer solar rays,...

The Beauty Witch: JUNE

Welcome to your Midsummer Night's Dream! June blossoms with voluptuous cosmic sparkles swirling all around us, with Gemini energy shining brightly as Venus and Leo dance....