Skincare in Bloom

“Spring fever, spring is here at last. Spring fever, my heart’s beating fast. Get up, get out. Spring is everywhere.” —Elvis Presley When tiny leaves...
Green Witch by Alise Marie, The Beauty Witch®

The Beauty of Renewal

Discover the beauty of renewal with Alise Marie's expertly crafted beauty potions. As the seasons change, embrace the calling card of spring by changing your rituals to suit the season at hand. Alise's offerings are carefully conjured to align you with the detoxifying necessities of now and the body's yearning for fresh nourishment. With a blend of charmed favorites and mysterious muses, her beauty potions will enhance your magic and have you ready and glowing for this most gloriously green spell our beloved earth casts.

Bewitch and Stimulate The Senses with Autumn Skincare

“Variety is the very spice of life, / That gives it all its flavor.” —William Cowper Though often attributed to Shakespeare, the above quote actually...
©Columbia Pictures : Diltz : Bridgeman Images

Bell, Book, And Beauty

Feature Image: ©Columbia Pictures / Diltz / Bridgeman Images _____ Amid a swathe of tribal fertility idols, leopard-lined cloaks, and a cabaret singer imported from Montmartre,...

The Beauty Witch: OCTOBER

The Wheel of The Year is a funny thing. And quite beautiful, really. As we undulate forward into a new season of life, we...

The Beauty Witch: September

When the circle of the year turns in September, it is a certain, defined clicking into place, one that takes us from the slow...

The Sweet Waters of Beauty

Article from the Mermaid Issue #59 Subscribe | Buy Issue Oshun, African goddess of all things beautiful and erotic, is a playful, flirtatious coquette and—lucky for...

The Beauty Witch: AUGUST

With the great feline lunation of late last month still romping about, August shines with the promise of joyful new beginnings. Conjuring what makes the...

The Beauty Witch: JULY

With a feline stretch, July awakens from the dream of last month’s Cancer New Moon still fresh in our minds. Our minds are filled...

The Healing Power of Seaweed

Featured Image: In 2005 OSEA founder Jenefer Palmer began sourcing seaweed from a sustainable farm in southern Patagonia.   Translucent strips undulate in an underwater dance, swaying...