The Beauty Witch MARCH: The Stirring of the Cauldron

The way she plays with us, Spring, coyly giving us a taste of the Sun only to wave her wand, and cast us back again into the...

Que Bellissima!

The Renaissance was a boon time for beauty. There was a widespread belief throughout Europe that beautiful people were also the healthiest. Obviously, good...
Roseé du Matin Facial Serum and Pétale Tonique Elixir

Beauté Florale

In the dream of a woman as a flower, she is nestled deep within. Embraced by silken petals she sleeps infused with scent, cloaked in the...

The Sea Hag

The sea hag for me embodies all the earth’s elements, unified into a beautiful whole. She has ocean water in her veins, sandy beaches...

The Beauty Witch: AUGUST

August's astro-beauty and wellness forecast is here! Retrogrades, Moons, the North many juicy cosmic happenings, lunar vibes, and potion recipes to enjoy! August begins...
Diana and Her Nymphs Bathing (1778-87), by Angelica Kauffmann. Wikimedia Commons

The Sorceress’s Sanctuary

Featured Image: Diana and Her Nymphs Bathing (1778-87), by Angelica Kauffmann. Wikimedia Commo Is there anything more glorious than a bath? It’s sheer delight that...

The Beauty Witch: Novemeber

Your November stars shine! The Beauty Witch forecast tells secrets of the season, with potent lunations, Saturn having a go, Scorpio's dark delights, and...

The Beauty Witch: MARCH

STAR POWER Mar 2 New Moon in Pisces * Lucky You!* Mar 6 Venus and Mars enter Aquarius  * Connect with kindred spirits* Mar 10 Mercury enters...
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Beautiful Botanicals

As Rosemary is to the Spirit, so Lavender is to the Soul. —Anonymous Herbal extracts make powerful curatives, and they have been the basis for some...


The fragrant warmth of June caresses our shoulders, and touches our faces with soft dappled solar kisses, as juicy and voluptuous as biting into...