The Beauty Witch: JULY
Heavy heated days turn to balmy starlit nights
that breathe magic into our dreams
and carry us beyond the sea.
The silent lull of moonlight
opens the path
The Beauty Witch: JUNE
The warmth of Midsummer
voluptuous, yet restful
weaves her magic into every drop
of precious sunlight
so fleeting
and so powerful
with honeysuckle nectar at our lips
and birdsong the score
The Beauty Witch: MAY
As the grasses turn to emerald
the scent of wild thyme swirls
with lusty bramble,
released by the joyous dance
of happy beasts.
The May Queen has arrived
to place...
The Beauty Witch APRIL: Light The Fire
Children of The Sun awaken,
quite suddenly,
bounding out of their flower beds
to embrace the new
tiny sparks turn to blazes,
dancing everything to life
with a shimmy
and a...
The Beauty Witch MARCH: The Stirring of the Cauldron
The way she plays with us, Spring,
coyly giving us a taste of the Sun
only to wave her wand,
and cast us back again into the...
The Beauty Witch FEBRUARY: A Dance of Fire and Ice
A Dance of Fire and Ice
Cold winds howl.
As a veil of grey cloaks the skies,
turned to frost,
the mood is often heavy
as the snow we...