Album / Alamy Stock Photo

The Quickest and Wickedest Cocktailing in the Fin de Siècle

Picture the heavenly death of lab rats subjected to absinthe tests, like those reported in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal of 1894: “The...
© Julia Jeffrey

The Seal Wife

Illustration by Julia Jeffrey of Stonemaiden Art Sometimes when we fight, I want to slip on my seal skin and disappear beneath the waves. I warned you when...

An Enchanting Interview with Robert Beatty

We hope you're doing beautifully today. We have some beautiful news for you too: Serafina and the Seven Stars, the fourth Serafina book in Robert Beatty's...
Photo by JR Korpa on Unsplash

Ways to Embrace an Art Nouveau Aesthetic

  • Adorn your long and flowing (or short and pixie-perfect) hair with flowers, one tucked above each ear with a headband or ribbon between,...
Brian and Wendy Froud

Dreaming Faerie

Cover Images by ©Brian and Wendy Froud I dream of green eyes and the silent fall of petals on my hair; the sound of someone...
Briana Saussy, Making Magic, Enchanted Living Magazine

An Interview with Briana Saussy

We have something special to share with you from author Briana Saussy, whose new tome Making Magic focuses on making magic in the most lovely,...
Fairy folk by an old gnarled tree by Arthur Rackham.

Grandmother Elder

My grandmother was a mysterious woman—quiet and stern, her burdens etched harshly across her face. Her home was unremarkable, uncluttered, and as sensible as...

What You Wish For

Feature Image © Martin Podt I sat on the borderland between two worlds: In front of me was the ocean, mist-cloudy and tumultuous; behind me...

An Enchanting Q & A With The Wondersmith

So please tell us how you got inspired to do wondersmithing? When I was studying glassblowing in college, I realized that creating tactile surfaces for...

Signs You May Be A Wood Nymph

Illustration by Guinevere von Sneeden • If you go longer than a week without visiting the woods, you start to fade and pine, whether it’s...