Bad Whiskey and Cross Women

“Matrimonial miseries, domestic unhappiness, social wretchedness, and national degradation; every evil under the sun will be found, if you go sufficiently far back, to...
Faerie Magazine Talks to Deep Midnight Perfumes creator Cat Marx

A Talk With Deep Midnight Perfumes Creator Cat Marx

So Cat, how did you come to perfumery? I started making perfume oils in 1996 for myself, friends and family. In 2003, I began selling...
Isgha Scotland

Interview with Stewart Hill of Scotland’s Ishga Organic Skincare

So we hope that many of you have read the Outlander issue by now (though it's still on its way to some subscribers, especially...

An Interview With Theresa Carle-Sanders of OUTLANDER KITCHEN

As any fan will tell you, the Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon have many pleasures. Not least among them is how they immerse you in...

Forest Bathing

Photography by Inge Bovens Elves and fairies have long embraced the magic of the forest, living as they do under wild mushrooms and toadstools, on...
Illustrated by Guinevere von Sneeden

Grainne O’Malley the Girl Pirate

Illustrated by Guinevere von Sneeden On the craggy west coast of Ireland in the 16th century, between the sloping green and misty valleys on one...
Courtesy of Starz - Diana Gabaldon as Iona MacTavish Outlander Faerie Magazine

An Interview With Diana Gabaldon

One fine day last spring, I met my sister-in-law Rita for lunch. She was clutching a chunky paperback with an embossed cover, the kind,...
Terry Dresbach Diana Gabaldon as Iona MacTavish Outlander Faerie Magazine

Dressed to Thrill

Should you encounter Terry Dresbach at Thru the Stones in late November, billed as “the first and largest Outlander convention in the Central United States,”...
Signs You May Have FalleN ThRough TiMe by Grace Nuth Illustration by Guinevere von Sneeden Outlander

Signs You May Have Fallen Through Time

Illustration by Guinevere von Sneeden • You can lace your own corset without assistance. • You wear corsets. • When your friends order cocktails, you prefer a...

The Little Mermaid Warns You, You May Have Already Become Forgotten

Painting by Anne Bachelier Your once-silken voice will desert you, your legs will make every step on land a torture. There will come a time when you...