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Strange Dialogue: Picture and Prose

Springtime (when fancies turn to thoughts of love) is high time to swap that dog-eared, fly-specked, bookworm-infested copy of The Hobbit you’ve been carting...

The One-Armed Swan Sister

I find it is much harder to sew now that one of my arms has become a giant white wing. It’s nonsense to assume, of course, a...


Photography by Paul Barson Even here the glimmering simbelmynë grows in the ghostly pale green meads and haunted hollows far from the hallows somber in their ordered...

Bestiarum Vocabulum

Animals have always taught us lessons. We look to them to help us describe our own behaviors and attributes: We are as sly as...

Making Witch Bottles With My Mother

A midwife—she reaches for the flower’s afterlife and dyes it with a puddle of St. Germain. We’re dealing in floral ghosts & flakes of paint curved over our...
John William Godward “The New Perfume” 1914. Wikimedia Commons.

And Maidens Call It Love-In-Idleness

Children! To perform this nifty trick, ask your mother for a shelled-out lemon, balled-up handkerchiefs, a vial of perfume, fire, and a pistol. “I...

The Tree and She

  In her first memory of this life, she clutched two pecans in her small hands. Warm brown with tabby cat black stripes, dry and...
From Stories from the Arabian nights retold by Laurence Houseman; with drawings by Edmund Dulac. Wikimedia Commons.

My Arabian Superheroin

Every time my writing gets stuck, I ask myself, “How would Scheherazade get out of this?” Of course, she would know what to do. That’s...
©Kate Leiper


It’s not that I’m not comfortable in my own skin. It’s that I can’t ever be without it—it’s a harness in a handbag, holding me to the...
© Marek Mierzejewski/shutterstock.com

Dwarf-Crested Irises in Canaan, West Virginia

The realist masters have avoided the Appalachians and I have to assume that this is because fayeland is difficult to paint. What to do with...