Photography by Lena Fox Art

Shower Meditation

No fancy ingredients are needed. This meditation should help ease tension. I have found that during the equinoxes, when the veil is thinnest, tension and memories of ancestors are particularly vivid. The veil thins in both hemispheres during the equinox, and the days leading up to it and up to two weeks after are particularly enhanced. Grief, elation, shadows—all natural as the wheel of the year turns. These feelings are obviously also part of daily life, and this meditation can be used at any time and anywhere there is running water.


Have a fistful of scented bath salts or table salt. Ordinary white salt is equally powerful and can be used in a pinch. Keep the salt in a cup or container that won’t be immediately soaked upon entering the shower. For stress, I recommend lavender scented salt or a few drops of lavender oil onto the salt. For grief, I suggest a dab of myrrh oil onto the salt. If you have a favorite scent—please use it!

Warning: Do not place essential oils directly on skin. Do not place them in hot bath water. They cause burns and allergic reactions. This meditation is to ease tension and grief—chemical burns will cause the opposite effect.

Inhale deeply, then plunge into lukewarm- or cool-water shower. Think of the toxicity in your life, what you want to wash off yourself. Be specific. Boss at work, mother- or father-in-law, unsatisfied partner, dashed dreams—whatever you need to banish, capture it within your mind. Let it almost consume you. Then sprinkle the salt in the four corners of the shower. Wash—lather soap and picture the muck in your mind swirling down the drain. Turn the knob and let the water heat up and fog and steam billow.

Chant/Recite/Pray: [Insert muck] leave me. I banish the pain and mistrust you give me. I take back my power. Spit or throw down any salt you have leftover. Thank yourself and any power you believe in.

For Grief: The same ritual meditation applies. There are, however, a few extra steps. You want to thank your ancestors and loved ones for their presence. Thank them for coming to mind, for how they loved you, and for your memories of them. Tell them your grief must ease, though.

As you wash away grief, remember scents that remind you of your loved ones, images you cling to. Whisper anything you need to, and then let the grief and sadness swirl down the drain.

Finishing Enchantment

As you are drying off, make an immense wish. You can make a goal or affirmation. Or of course, say just a simple “thank you.”

Repeat as many times or with as many variations as you need (candles, flowers, crystals …) The goal is not to heal completely—that is up to time. The goal is to understand your needs and have this meditation be balm to your discomfort. May your steps be blessed and your mind enchanted.

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Kim Malinowski
Kim Malinowski earned her B.A. from West Virginia University and her MFA from American University. She studied with the Writers Studio. Her work appears in Mythic Delirium, Enchanted Conversation, Eternal Haunted Summer, and Three Drops From the Cauldron, among others. Her chapbook, Death: A Love Story was published by Flutter Press. Visit artist and photographer Courtney Brooke online at