Jan 2 New Moon in Capricorn *Get down to business*
Mercury in Aquarius *Don’t push your agenda*
Jan 14 Mercury Retrograde *Be prepared*
Jan 17 Full Moon in Cancer *Balance and Prosperity*
Jan 24 Mars enters Capricorn *Double the ambition!*
Jan 29 Venus Direct *Romance returns*
Like a starry night upon a mountaintop, January makes her entrance in the quiet hush of a theatre waiting for the aria to begin. All is still with anticipation, as a shiver of cosmic electricity courses through the air, undulating beneath your skin. Yes, it is a restful time, these soft Winter nights, warmed by the fireglow of candles flickering with each new breath. And yet, the light within you flickers too, yes? Always searching, it ponders new ideas: what will sprout upward from the fertile soil in Spring, and how do I get there? That uniquely fuzzy balance of planning, plotting, and sketching while wrapped in layers of faux fur and velvet is indeed quite inspiring.
We begin this most magickal month with (ideally) a day of rest on the traditional New Year, followed by a most efficient New Moon in Capricorn (1:33pm EST,) revved and ready to get to work. Oh yes, mes amours, you will now get a universal head nudge from the Goat, urging you to focus on all things Capricorn – namely, 10th house concerns relating to business, professional representation, and career. You are about to set the stage for the coming calendar year – this is very exciting news! The immensely cool thing about this lunation is that the silver lady is in harmony with Uranus, for whom we usually hold our breath and wait for the impact. However, though we always (understandably) associate Uranus with shocks and surprises, both good and bad, we rarely consider that it is also the planet of innovative thinking. Oui! And one who rewards those who step outside their comfort zones, eschew rigid patterns, and embrace originality. So, you see, his little planetary tango assures that while we seek personal freedom, particularly in our work, we have the secure footing of The Goat to support us. Thinking of starting a business? Expanding your brand? How about going in an entirely new direction? Not only can you plan for it now, but you can set the energy in motion to propel you there. Not like a rocket – that would be fire – but in the calculated, steady way of Capricorn. A wave of longer-term, big-picture building is here right now, but you must begin from the ground and work your way up. Don’t attempt any shortcuts, because they won’t be there. I grant you, it’s not as thrilling and immediately satisfying as painting your walls Versailles blue and settling back with a coupe to admire them, but the foundation must be built first – then you can order the draperies. Got it? Now that I think about it, hire someone to paint when the time comes. You’ll have the means from all the planning you’ve done. And, frankly, they will do a better job.

The little catch to this Moon lies with Mercury: our chatty planet, now in cerebral Aquarius, is a little tense with Mars right now, so you could be feeling more than slightly impatient to get your point across, and as a result prone to making snap decisions, being impulsive, and madly looking around to see what needs the “fixing” that only the fabulousness that is you can manage. Watch that energy. In your desire to move forward, don’t push. Allow for the momentum, do the work, and stay the course. You have great potential for every success.
My offering to you for this New Moon is one of reset after the indulgences of the holiday season, conjured to build strong bones – your literal “frame” – aligned with plant-powered riches guaranteed to create spellbinding beauty. I want you to go into this time with inspiration, determination, and the strength to persevere. But don’t let go of your allure, not for one moment.
Rose, cranberry and cashew are the stars here, conjuring a Triple Goddess of Beauty with a gorgeous twirl around the dance floor, courted by both the Sun and Moon.

Ambrosia d’hiver
Beauty Bite
Serves two
1 cup unsweetened cashew milk
¼ cup chia seeds
¼ cup pear, chopped
¼ cup fresh or frozen cranberries
1/4 cup slivered raw almonds
1 teaspoon stevia, or to taste
1 teaspoon rosewater
Squeeze of lemon
Rose and Pear – These Venusian bringers of love and beauty provide potent skincare sorcery, targeting fine lines and wrinkles with a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Cranberry – Ruled by Capricorn and bearing protection energy, cranberries are loaded with hydration, high levels of antioxidants, and a perfect Omega fats ratio that allows for absorption into the skin. These tart little treats provide lots of vitamin C and fiber, are excellent at detoxifying, and can keep infection at bay.
Cashew Guided by the Sun’s fire, creamy cashews bring forth money magick. High in beauty fats, cashews are also rich in nutrients, protein, minerals, and vitamin E – a highly effective oil which repairs skin, including wrinkles. They are a good natural source of selenium, an antioxidant which helps to protect cells from damage, thereby preventing accelerated ageing in skin.
Chia Easily digested, chia is a complete protein designed to hydrate. It is rich in omega fatty acids, fiber, and minerals, making it an excellent staple to your beauty food diet.
Lemon This cheerful lunar fruit brings love and happiness, lifts the spirit, balances pH, and gently detoxifies. Its vitamin C kick helps to boost immunity, while its high level of calcium strengthens teeth and bones.
Almonds – Rich in calcium and vitamin E, almonds strengthen bones, repair damaged skin, lessen fine lines while preventing new ones, protect against UV damage, and feed you from head to toe. Magically, almond brings wealth and protection. They are ruled by air, which gives potions a lightness of energy surrounding the intellect, reminding you to ease up on the kind of worrying that wreaks havoc on your face.
First, finely chop the pear, then mash the cranberries with a mortar and pestle. (Don’t have one? You’re a witch! Procure them immediately. Or use a fork.) If the pear is very ripe, you can mash it also. In a separate bowl, combine the chia seed, stevia, and cashew milk, and whisk until blended. Let it set 5 minutes, then whisk again to avoid clumps. Fold in the fruit, add the rosewater, drizzle with lemon, mix again, and let it set until creamy but firm – about 30 minutes. Top with slivered almonds, more fruit, and a dollop of raw coconut nectar if you like. The cranberries and lemon certainly have a tang to them, so you may find that you desire a bit more sweetness to offset it.
As you conjure, keep a strong vision and feeling of staying the course, and allowing the light of inspiration to guide you.
Beauty Witch Secret: It’s a fantastic idea to give your body at least one day per week to “reset” itself, digestively speaking. Eat light plant foods, drink tons of water, and just generally give your system a break. All that processing takes the energy from the body away from vital organs, not to mention your skin, hair, and nails. I love to do this for three days (ideally) leading up to, and on, the Dark Moon. Then, on the New Moon, add in something new or forgotten about (like chia) to bring strength toward you during the waxing phase.
Now, of course, mignonettes, our Venus is still retrograding in Capricorn, so you will see both relationships and income sources under review, perhaps even being tested to some extent. This isn’t a bad thing – quite the contrary – it’s rather a reassessment of what it is you really want and need, and how best to get there. It’s true, though: if these areas are in need of repair, you will be reminded by a not-so-gentle nudge from the stars. I always feel it’s better to get ahead of the curve, so to speak, and look at these things before they get out of hand, or worse, to the point of complete disintegration. You always know deep down what isn’t working, yes? The trick is not to brush those vibes aside. Capricorn seeks security and stability, so this will be a theme amplified in both areas, with special attention paid to your sources of income. There is also a harmonic relationship to Neptune now, suggesting a dreamy, romantic haze that can be absolutely glorious, and one that perhaps hasn’t been around in a while. One thing to watch: an old lover can reappear, hoping to reignite that spark…but do you want it? Really, truly ask yourself before stepping back into that potential blaze.
The Neptune energies also fuel great creative inspiration right now (which thrills me!) with a focus on revisions rather than new projects. If you have an old passion lingering in a corner, consider dusting it off and looking at it with fresh eyes. You’ll know which one. And, with our Venus, we cannot neglect to mention the stirring in the air for beauty! There is energy available for changing our look, our style – in fact for complete reinvention if you so desire – but only in the planning stages. Do not embark on anything until she stations direct. In fact, wait until February 4th, because our friend Mercury is also retrograde, and heaven knows we don’t need any additional confusion. Do all the usual triple-checking here, particularly with schedules, back up your computer, don’t leave your phone in a taxi…or a punch bowl…you know the drill.
All of this strategic groundwork, mixed with a heavy dose of internal questioning and a dash of poetic dreaminess becomes a full cauldron by mid-month, as we celebrate a Full Wolf Moon in Cancer on January 17th (6:48pm EST.) She will be void-of-course until 11:03pm, so best to do your magick the night before, when the Moon is at her most powerful, and deep in the waters of The Crab. The first Moons of the traditional New Year set the tone for the calendar year ahead, so we have ambitious, hardworking Capricorn alongside nurturing Cancer, suggesting a strong balance between feeding both career and home life. The Wolf Moon asks that you decide what it is you sincerely need and want, seeing the truth in your desires, and be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to succeed. You may also see the culmination of spells you cast, either literally or figuratively, back in July, particularly in the home. Perhaps you are getting ready to move? Or settle in to a new space? With Capricorn energies entwined, you may just have the financial plan in action to upgrade your living space, buy real estate, or start a family. If you’ve worked hard, and in harmony with the planetary vibes, you may see a glorious manifestation of your wishes now. Just watch out going into this new chapter for mood swings, though The Goat’s presence should help to keep emotions in check.
I’m going to suggest a home spa ritual to help you return to your heavenly body, by way of taking that sacred, sensual pause that allows for clear vision and balanced, purposeful action. Whatever is revealing itself now will benefit enormously by you having taken this space to reconnect with the divine, both as higher power and as that manifestation of cosmic potency here on earth. Joining the sorcery of our beauty bite consorts is the legendary Himalayan Pink Salt, to both detoxify and infuse with vital minerals. Now that is a glamourous soak.

Bain de Mer Rose
Bath Soak
1-2 treatments
1 cup pink Himalayan salt
¼ cup cashew milk powder
¼ cup cranberry powder
8 drops rose absolute or attar
Simply combine the salt and powders together in a pretty bowl, stirring clockwise as you create your beauty magick. Add the rose. See it all come together brilliantly. Feel the success, and the harmony between your work and home life. Got it? Good. Now bathe in it.
Beauty Witch Secret: We’ll use the cranberry and cashew powders again…you can put them in your elixirs, or mix with a bit of water or floral water for a quickie facial masque. If you can’t get them in your local natural foods shop, try these:
Here’s what I am truly excited about: the cosmic north node shifts this month from Gemini to Taurus on January 19th, and remains in the sign of The Bull until July of 2023. Why is this significant? Because now the focus is on building in the material world, letting go of the old to embrace the new, with expansive creativity well within reach. See? Your plans are supported!
Now, as if this month wasn’t goal-oriented enough, on January 24th our fireball Mars burns brightly in steady Capricorn, promising even more determination and attention on getting things in order for future success. This is a very ambitious pairing, chouchous, and I say befriend them! Honestly, if you sleep through January, you are wasting a major cosmic opportunity. Please don’t tell me you’re exhausted from this past year – we all are. But this is the kind of energy that begets meaningful change and fulfillment of big dreams. The stars are giving you valuable gifts right now – the kind that can really last. Think of them as not toys as a child you receive and lose interest in twelve minutes later (or big-kid-latest-thing marketing ploys) but rather the classic, well-made item or inspiring experience that, with care and maintenance, can be with you for a long time, increasing in value both literally and in how it enriches your life. One of the beautiful things about Capricorn is that it is not inherently flashy or indulgent, rather quite the opposite, which will help you to stick to your plan for the future.
One more gift! We close the moth with our beloved Venus stationing direct on January 29th, opening the doors of love and beauty (not to mention cash flow) once more. Now, all the introspective reviews can be put to good use for moving ahead. I do hope you strongly considered not only what you want in love, but, more predominantly this month, put a solid income plan into the works. Things you’ve sketched out can now begin to take real form – just pause a few more days to let Mercury get up and running again also, as I mentioned earlier. And what is that fluttering around your shoulders? Why, it’s the irresistible twinkle of romance…
This Winter is going to be busy, but do take time for rest, play, and, of course, mes chéris – beauty rituals! Use this time well. I’m excited for you.
Love and Stardust
Xo Alise