All photos © Olga Valeska

Olga Valeska: An Authentically Folkloric Life

All photos © Olga Valeska Authenticity is such an important quality in a truly cozy, hygge life. And in this digital age of constant communication...

Greeting From The Northern Hemisphere

Mother Nature’s magical wheel turns ever so slowly. Listen closely and pay mind to the slight shifts and changes happening every day or they...
Jessica Clark-Bojin Baby Yoda Pie

Warm-Baked Artistry

There is a moment in the charmingly cozy and whimsical television show Pushing Daisies when the handsome young pie maker says, “Candy is sweet,...

Chasing The Light

Perhaps the best word to describe what it’s like to look at Zaria Forman’s artwork is tactile. Instead of depicting rolling hills or gurgling...

Toby Froud and The Dark Crystal

All photos © Kevin Baker / Netflix As the son of famed fairy painter Brian Froud and fairy sculptor Wendy Froud, artist Toby Froud grew...
terri foss enchanted living magazine

Artist Terri Foss Chats About Manifesting Magic

We’ve long been enchanted by artist Terri Foss, whose Instagram feed is full of her incredibly charming, witchy paintings of crescent moons and wild,...

Mister Finch Lives in a Fairy Tale World

All images, except where noted, from Mister Finch: Living in a Fairytale World by Mister Finch © 2014, published by Glitterati Incorporated. Article From...
Alphonse Mucha, The Nature, around 1900. Collection F. W. Neess, Photo- Museum Wiesbaden : Bernd Fickert

The Exhibition of A Lifetime

Feature Image: Alphonse Mucha, The Nature, around 1900. Collection F. W. Neess, Photo- Museum Wiesbaden : Bernd Fickert They come one after another, these treasures,...

Tips on Creating A Painting Using Acrylic or Watercolor Paints

Set up a comfortable and peaceful area to begin your art. This may include lighting a candle or incense and playing your favorite music...
All images © The Tolkien Estate Limited 1937.

J.R.R. Tolkien’s Art Nouveau Elvenlands

All images © The Tolkien Estate Limited 1937. Tne moment, I was walking through the steel-and-concrete labyrinth of New York City. The next, I had...