Photography by Bella Kotak

The inspiration for this shoot came about organically. Along with Lillian and Yinsey, I have a passion for introducing and celebrating diversity in the...
MY RENAISSANCE Dress: Rose Savage @rosesavagebridal Crown: Carbickova Crowns @carbickovacrowns

Photography by Yinsey Wang

“The world of self-portraiture helped me envision myself in completely new ways, incorporating myth and fairy-tale aesthetics and a chance to assert my belonging...

Scotland’s Couthy Home

It sits grandly in the ancient and mysterious highlands of Scotland, its stalwart exterior refusing to give hint of the shiny, sexy glamour of...

Autumn Picnic Meditation

Photography by AU-CONTRAIRE PHOTOGRAPHY Model @SUGARHAIL Gown MEL PLUM     No matter the season, sometimes we need to feel the sunflower’s stalk and how dense it feels with...

CreativeSoul Photography

Husband and wife photography team Kahran and Regis Bethencourt met in an online graphic designer forum and fell madly in love, then started working...

Autumn’s Abundance

Photography: Jovana Rikalo | Models: Mina Madžarević, Irina Ognenovska, Milica Simić, Sasha Lambon, Renata Beslać, Sonja Mišić | MUA: Biljana Velojić | Clothing: Edith...

Light Among the Ruins

Inside a roofless church, sculptures crumble in the grip of strong vines. A glass conservatory shatters as the plants once grown inside reach for...

Enchanted Woods of Folklore and Fable

PHOTOGRAPHY BY REBECCA MOSS   The places Rebecca Moss photographs seem to have sprung from some old, old faerie story, haunted by a Titania or Mab...

Faeries of the Forest

Photography by Joy Marshall Models: Tatiana Pimentel and Courtney Fox-Johns Wings: Creatures Who Craft Jewelry: Parrish Relics For last spring’s Pre-Raphaelite issue, photographer Joy Marshall, model and artist...
Follow photographer Elizabeth Elder on Instagram @emackphoto. Find model Courtney Allegra on Instagram @itscourtneyallegra. Visit the designers on Instagram—Firefly Path @fireflypath, Miss G Designs @missgdesigns, and wing maker L Marie @hellofaerie.

Raiment for a Faerie Queen

PHOTOGRAPHY BY ELIZABETH ELDER What better way to end an homage to faerie queens than with a magical, glittering queen riding on a unicorn? In...