Walpurgisnacht–The Second Halloween
Feature Image:
Nymphs Dancing to Pan’s Flute (1920), by Joseph Tomanek
Have you heard of the springtime festival called Walpurgisnacht? If you hail from northern or...
Homage To The Green Witch
Follow Joy Marshall on Instagram @thewitchinghourphotography
Photographer Joy Marshall, model (and wingmaker) Tatiana Pimentel, and jeweler artiste Jen Parrish-Hill of...
Ways To Show A Witch Your Love
• Crystals are always appropriate, especially in natural stone. All colors are welcome. Give diamonds if you must, but we like cracks and rough...
Which Witch Are You?
Feature Image:
The Crystal Ball, Restored Version (1902), by John William Waterhouse
The label “witch” is one that more and more people are getting comfortable with....
Dance of the Selkies
Article from the Sumer Mermaid Issue #59
Photography by The Witching Hour Photography
Model Tatiana Pimentel
The woman glanced in the mirror and wondered who the tired person...
The Hags’ Tapers
Feature Image:
The Silent Voice (1898), by Gerald Moira
There once was a village so small that the tall conifers that surrounded it kept it hidden...
The Bohemian Magic Tradition of Connecting With Your Ancestors
Feature Image by Katrin Albert
My first memory of her was seeing the flash of her blonde Marilyn Monroe curls at the top of the...
The Art of Broomcraft
Article from the Autumn 2022 Vintage Witch Issue.
Enchanted Living is a quarterly print magazine that celebrates all things enchanted.
Subscribe now and begin with our...
A Love Letter to Ladies Accused of Witchcraft | Pt. 2
Feature Image:
The Witch of Endor Raising the Spirit of Samuel (1783), by William Blake
Photo ©Ken Welsh. All rights reserved 2022 / Bridgeman Images
Seductive Subversive Saucery
For the Victorians, witchcraft was a thing of both fantasy and all too real fact. As late as 1895, there was the terrifying case...