Underwater Garden Facial Masque

Siren Beauty Secrets

As the setting sun prepares to rest, the moon is stirring. The air is filled with salt and spray, as the tide slowly rushes...

Bewitch and Stimulate The Senses with Autumn Skincare

“Variety is the very spice of life, / That gives it all its flavor.” —William Cowper Though often attributed to Shakespeare, the above quote actually...

The Beauty Witch: SEPTEMBER

The final, glorious exhales of sultry Summer wind rustle your hair, as you savor the juice of an overripe peach that caresses your lips...
Spellbound Spa Alise Marie Enchanted Living Magazine

Spellbound Spa

As days grow darker, shapeshifting all too quickly into endless expanse of night, we are urged to turn our energies inward. With the infinite...
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Beautiful Botanicals

As Rosemary is to the Spirit, so Lavender is to the Soul. —Anonymous Herbal extracts make powerful curatives, and they have been the basis for some...

Spring Awakening

“Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems” —Rainier Maria Rilke As the world blooms, in the spirit of spring renewal,...

The Beauty Witch: Novemeber

Your November stars shine! The Beauty Witch forecast tells secrets of the season, with potent lunations, Saturn having a go, Scorpio's dark delights, and...

The Beauty Witch: SEPTEMBER

STAR POWER SEPT 6 | New Moon in Virgo | *A better you* SEPT 10 | Venus in Scorpio | *Is it steamy in here?* SEPT 14...

The Beauty Witch: MARCH

STAR POWER Mar 2 New Moon in Pisces * Lucky You!* Mar 6 Venus and Mars enter Aquarius  * Connect with kindred spirits* Mar 10 Mercury enters...
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Winter Warming

“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.” —William Blake   With temperatures dropping, it’s time to reach for warming lotions, luscious creams, and fragrant oils...