Annie Oakley - famous rifle shot and holder of the Police Gazette championship medal

When Annie Oakley Kicked Hearst’s Ass

America’s favorite sharpshooter suffered a sugary makeover in Hollywood and Broadway depictions, which depicted her as someone willing to throw matches and stomach bratty...
Halcyone (1915), by Herbert James Draper

The Constant Deep

Early morning. Sea mist still hovers over the water, and the bracken-covered dunes that furl out beneath my feet like a green carpet are...

Enchanting Interview with Anna Krusinski of Willow & Birch Apothecary

We want to introduce you to the wonderful Victorian-inspired apothecary and perfumer Willow & Birch Apothecary and its Victorian-loving owner Anna Krusinski, who spends much of her...

The Book of Gothel

We’re thrilled to talk to our very own poetry editor Mary McMyne about her first novel, The Book of Gothel, which comes out this...

Falling Through Time

This collection of poetry is about time and consciousness. In one way, time is merely a human construct that does not exist except as...

Eight Ways to Tell You’ve Been a Gothic Heroine

Featured Image: The Nightmare (1790−1791) by Henry Fuseli ––– • You appreciate the beauty in time’s passing, whether it shows in a bare winter branch, a...
Photography by Courtney Fox

I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud

Photography by Courtney Fox   What sweeter balm than nature to soothe the lonely soul? In this poem, Wordsworth gives his readers a Romantic description of...
The Three Witches from Shakespeare’s Macbeth by Daniel Gardner, 1775. Wikimedia Commons.

The Lesser Periwinkle; The Love Potions of Lady Wilde, Mrs. Whiskeyman,...

Feature Image: The Three Witches from Shakespeare’s Macbeth by Daniel Gardner, 1775. Wikimedia Commons. “…aperitive, abstersive, carminative, digestive, discussive, diuretic, incisive, vulnerary, cephalick, neurotick, stomachick,...
Madonna (1895–1902), by Edvard Munch

The Eternal Feminine of The Damned

Imagine this: A nubile dancer named Salome struts before a lustful king. She wields her bejeweled half-dressed body like a weapon. Her desire? To...

At Home in the Forest

BY SARA CLETO AND BRITTANY WARMAN PHOTOGRAPHY BY DAN PAULY The concept of hygge is all about creating cozy, safe, and happy spaces. Embracing hygge means...