The Beauty Witch: JANUARY

And…we’ve made it through! Somehow, we have survived the hailstorm that was 2020, and now find ourselves thrust forth into a new calendar year...

Dark Beauty

As golden sunlight exhales to earth, her creatures are given life, embraced as they grow to full radiance, allowing a force of will to...

Dragon’s Blood Beauty

Feature image: MOTHER OF DRAGONS by Annie Stegg Fine Art Dragon’s Blood has become an increasingly popular ingredient in beauty and skin care these days,...

The Sweet Waters of Beauty

Article from the Mermaid Issue #59 Subscribe | Buy Issue Oshun, African goddess of all things beautiful and erotic, is a playful, flirtatious coquette and—lucky for...
Alise Marie The Beauty Witch, Wellness and Beauty for February

Astro Beauty and Wellness Forecast | The Beauty Witch: FEBRUARY

We think of February as a dreary, rather dull month, and yet, there are the very first signs of new life! We celebrate the sabbat of Imbolc, Aquarian energies, a New Moon to be managed, Mars and Venus in their usual tango, a twist from Juno, an efficacious Full Moon, a Lunar New Year...and, of course, Venus' Day, all swirling with glorious potions and Beauty Witch wisdom.
Queen Mab’s Potion Wings by Lights In The Forest

Faerie Queen Beauty Secrets

With silent grace she walks the wood by day, then transforms with the emergence of evening as she floats through the veil of night—sun...

The Beauty Witch: JULY

With a feline stretch, July awakens from the dream of last month’s Cancer New Moon still fresh in our minds. Our minds are filled...

Always Conjure Midnight Margaritas

A Checklist for Living Like the Aunts

Gaelic Beauty

A cross fragrant heather moor, and beneath murky swells of mist, a craggy mass of unforgiving floor lies in wait. There is movement beyond the opaque curtain...
Roseé du Matin Facial Serum and Pétale Tonique Elixir

Beauté Florale

In the dream of a woman as a flower, she is nestled deep within. Embraced by silken petals she sleeps infused with scent, cloaked in the...