Dorthy Wordsworth – Genus Loci

I like to imagine her in the early 1800s, lacing up sturdy leather boots and putting on a hat—not the frilly house bonnet of...
Artist Kelly Louise Judd - Flora and Fauna

Where the Wild Things Are

Kelly Louise Judd is just as mysterious as her fantastical work and, one might reasonably suspect, similarly eccentric. She’s hard to track down, like...

Featured Artist: Adam Oehler

British artist Adam Oehlers has been drawing for as long as he can remember and has always been attracted to themes rooted in nature...
Grace Nuth, Enchanted Living Magazine, Svetlana Matveeva artist from Russia. Fairy Tale Inspired

Butterfly Creatures

When fabric and multimedia artist Svetlana Matveeva was a young child of four growing up in Russia, she and a friend agreed to “go...
Cat Covens: The Medieval-Inspired Art of Kjersti Faret

From Cloisters to Cat Covens: The Medieval-Inspired Art of Kjersti Faret

We’ve long been fans of Cat Coven, the online shop of Brooklyn artist Kjersti Faret that features her art hand-printed on clothing, accessories, and...
Beauty and the Beast, by John Dickson Batten © Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.

Rebellion, Nature, and, Above All, Beauty

Feature Image: Beauty and the Beast, by John Dickson Batten © Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. With a passion for nature and real rather than idealized...

The Most Beautiful Girl in Vienna

Feature Image: FineArt : Alamy Stock Photo Imagine what it would be like coming of age in the glittering artistic hotbed of turn-of-the-20th-century Vienna. Gustav...

Where Fairies Dwell

If you gaze at Megan Cash’s magical miniatures long enough, you just may start to spy the fae materializing around them, dancing and darting,...

Enchanting Words From Pendragon Shoes

If anyone can make shoes fit for a magical beast and those who love them, it's these enchanted Australian cobblers. And a few words from Pendragon:Since...

Stitch Magic

PHOTOGRAPHY BY GRACE NUTH I encountered intentional sewing as a concept when my Gothic-literature-loving mother gave me Barbara Michaels’s Georgetown trilogy, which explores the possibility...