Parabola West’s Debut Album – Stars Will Light the Way

We want to tell you about musician Parabola West's debut album, Stars Will Light the Way, which came out at the end of April after...

Enchanted Asian Day Contest Winner

Model, Makeup, Hair, and Wardrobe: Tiia Secor @thedarkwitch__ Photographer and Editing: Nikkita Saulnier @nikkinouveau “My name is Tiia. I am half Chinese and half white (mostly...

The Book of Gothel

We’re thrilled to talk to our very own poetry editor Mary McMyne about her first novel, The Book of Gothel, which comes out this...

At Home: A Lovely Fairy Lair

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” —William Morris     Fairies are the original eco-warriors. Living...

The Legacy of Black Fae Day

Photo by CoreElements Photography Without Black Fae Day (@blackfaedayofficial on Instagram), there would be no Enchanted Asian Day (@enchantedasianday on Instagram). It was the efforts...

The Soap Cauldron

We want to talk to you about something sweet–a small business we're in love with called Soap Cauldron that makes the prettiest soapiest witchiest...

What Does Decadence Mean to You?

For me it’s about plunging fully and freely into your favorite indulgences. Allowing yourself to luxuriate in that which brings pleasure, a pleasure that...

34th Annual Arizona Renaissance Festival

We also wanted to share images from the 34th annual Arizona Renaissance Festival, one of the largest Renaissance faires in the country and open every...

Why Decadence Now?

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is the importance of taking good care of ourselves. And we have been good. Buzzwords like...

2nd Annual Fairy and Human Relations Global Congress

We wanted to tell you about the 2nd Annual Fairy and Human Relations Global Congress, an online event taking place from January 14-16, 2022. A ticket to...